Saturday, October 12, 2013

The wonderful world of our Sunni allies ... Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Turkey, Indonesia, Libya, etc.

Aren't you happy and proud to be associated with these countries? Aren't you pleased that our politicians visit these countries looking to do business with these cavemen?  Don't you so love to work in organizations that get a bit chunk of their business from these guys?  Aren't you feeling on top of the world because your govt. is supporting these cavemen against a secular govt. of a "used to be" secular country of Syria which is  now broken up in a thousand pieces.  How wonderful isn't it that your government is of the opinion that handing Syria over to Al Qaeda and other islamic terrorists is better than keeping a man like the secular Assad as head of a secular country?    

What a brave new world of vomit-inducing 24/7 our esteemed politicians have created for us! 

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