Sunday, October 13, 2013

Come, listen to some Tunisian madness, cult-style

People belonging to the same cult these guys belong to, are our prized immigrants in Canada. See the dark patches on their foreheads?  Those are the marks of  islamic fanatics.  Those come from banging one's forehead to the ground umpteen times a day to dislodge and send adrift the few remaining  brain cells from the cavemen's skulls down into their large intestine.   

From AlMonitor:
The subject of foreign jihadists coming to fight  in Syria is nothing new. But the issue of Tunisian fighters who have flocked by the dozens over Syria's borders, passing through a long process of enlistment and training, has garnered a great deal of attention in recent days. It has shed light on the events transpiring behind the scenes of the jihadist journey to Syria, and upon those forces driving it.........

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