Monday, October 21, 2013

Montreal Police Department .... most pathetic media releases in the history of media releases

I simply don't understand why taxpayers should be burdened with shelling out their money to an entity that is staffed with hundreds of employees and yet cannot give the public a comprehensive report of their activities.  Check out the snapshot below which I just now took from their page  website.

From January 2013, this present-day Utopia in our very own Canada, has had approx. only a dozen cases of "wanted persons" to report.  There are no reports of arrests made, no reports of charges laid, no reports of rapes committed, no reports of murders, no reports of arson, no reports of fraud, no reports of anything other than what you see above.

If that is indeed how the lack of crimes is a blessing on the citizens of Montreal, then I wonder how the CBC could have reported 19 homicides in just  the  greater Montreal  area in 2013 and I think that list was for up to end September 2013.

Isn't there a watchdog to bring the Montreal police department to heel?  Isn't someone somewhere supposed to make this wayward department be responsible to the public at large and get them to report accurately.  Are they not supposed to inform the news media of crimes committed so the public too is made aware of same and forewarned is forearmed? 

It's not just the Montreal Police Dept being terribly negligent in their duties ... each and every police department in Quebec is exactly the same with their reportage.  

What a shame that those within these places don't give a crap about the people outside who actually pay their salaries!!

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