Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What's not to love about Quebec's move to retain its Christian identity ?

Quebec is at the forefront in Canada with the right idea at the right time.   Those who are pretending to be shocked and appalled are prime hypocrites and mega stupid.  STFU and let Quebec fight the fight  while the rest of Canada cowers in the darkest corner of their basement from where they shout "racist" and other stuff, shamelessly.  This is the result of unbridled immigration from the Muslim cavemen countries.  

Sadly, the measures to be taken now by the Quebec govt are going to affect all religious sects ... this is what happens  when although you want to target one group, you have to be fair and just and include everybody else in the same regulation.  Blame the Liberal and Conservative governments of the last two decades for the burkha babies both traitorous govts. have let loose in Canada.   And, be thankful to the Quebec govt. for having the courage to take the initiative.

Joseph Brean writing at NationalPost:
Controversial Quebec charter exemptions based on idea that some religious symbols have become purely secular.   The Christian exemptions to 

Quebec’s proposed secular Charter of Values — which would allow the crucifix to remain in the National Assembly, the cross to remain on Mount Royal, and Christmas trees to remain in provincial government buildings — are based on the controversial idea that some religious symbols have become purely secular.

Just as the Christmas tree grew from pagan origins to signify the birth of Jesus, the theory goes that now, in modern post-Catholic Quebec, it merely reflects the secular culture of holidays and gift-giving — “part of Quebec culture,” as the minister responsible for the Charter, Bernard Drainville, said Tuesday.

“We will recognize elements of our heritage that bear witness to our history,” he said of the tree, and the cross.....

From CBC News:
.....Quebec's charter of values  would be challenged, Kenney vows
Any law against burkas, crucifixes impinges on religious freedom, says multiculturalism minister.  The federal government will review any law Quebec passes that bans public servants from wearing religious symbols while on the job, Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney says.
"If it's determined that a prospective law violates the constitutional protections to freedom of religion to which all Canadians are entitled, we will defend those rights vigorously," Kenney told reporters Tuesday in the foyer of the House of Commons.
Kenney was responding to statements from Quebec Democratic Institutions Minister Bernard Drainville who said Tuesday that Quebec intends to introduce legislation in the fall establishing a Quebec charter of values.
In the proposed "values" charter, Quebec public servants would be prohibited from wearing "overt and conspicuous" religious symbols at work, and anyone receiving a government service would be required to uncover his or her face. Wearing large crucifixes, turbans, hijabs, burkas, and kippas would be prohibited. However, an exception would be made for small religious symbols, such as crucifixes or Stars of David on necklaces....
....In Saskatoon, NDP Leader Tom Mulcair seemed shaken by Quebec's plans for banning religious symbols. Hesitating and shaking his head, he said, "There's no expiry date on human rights. It's not a popularity contest, this for us is completely unacceptable and the NDP will be standing up foursquare against this project."....

From Globe&Mail:
Quebec’s minority government    has laid out a plan to crack down on religious accommodation in the province, including a ban on religious symbols that forbids public servants, with some exceptions, from wearing the Sikh turban, the Muslim hijab, the Jewish kippa or a large Christian crucifix.

The plan drew instant and virulent denunciations from many quarters, ranging from ethnic minorities who stand to be affected by it to provincial and federal politicians.........

1 comment:

  1. I recall reading many years ago about the decision to allow Sikhs Mounties to wear turbans. I thought at the time WTF!!! What next?? Now what about turban wearing Sikh mounties who happen to be station in Quebec? What a can of worms. Well maybe all the Sikh mounties are stationed in Vancouver and TO


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