Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Funerals for some of the Christians of Maaloula (Malula) killed by the terrorist armies of the Judeo-Christian nations

Days of Infamy!

Thank You USA!  Thank You UK! Thank You Canada!  Thank You Australia!  Thank You France!  Thank You all of you  who are in the pro-terrorist/rebel  camp, including Israel. THANK YOU!   You are good people, you are great people.  May you and yours prosper in this world and may you and yours never know war and its hardship and sorrow as is seen and experienced by the people of Syria.

From KLFM967: 
 .....Hundreds of Christians who have fled  the fighting in the ancient Syrian town of Maaloula have gathered in Damascus for the funeral of three of their neighbours.

Army troops have been battling for days to keep control of the hilltop town that has been a place of refuge for persecuted minority Christians for 2,000 years.
Aramaic - the language of Jesus - was spoken there.
But it is a place of refuge no longer. It has been abandoned.
Many of Maaloula's townsfolk have sought shelter in the Christian areas of Damascus.

On Tuesday they lined the main thoroughfare that runs through the Old Town to pay their respects to the dead. Straight Street, as it is called, is where St Paul once trod according to the Bible.

As the three coffins arrived by truck from the morgue, deafening volleys of gun fire were let off by the part-time soldiers accompanying the funeral procession.
Women dressed in black threw grains of rice into the air as they supported the close relatives of the three men who were killed.
A drum band led the mourners along the cobbled streets. Store fronts were shuttered as businessmen joined the throng.
Two of the dead had their throats cut, the third was shot by extremists from the al Nusra front according to the mourners.
Choking back tears of anger one woman shouted at me, "Is this what you call democracy … is this what your government wants?"
Making an obscene hand gesture, a man said "F*** Obama, F*** Cameron."
As the huge procession neared the end of its journey, bells rang out from al Zaytoun church.
There was standing room only inside the elaborate building where Patriarch Gregory Laham conducted the service for the dead and prayed for peace.
As the diplomacy and discussions to resolve the Syria crisis run their course, this will likely not be the last funeral in this place of worship.

From Breitbart:
... "Either you convert to Islam, or you will be beheaded"    The village of Maaloula has been taken over by Syrian rebels associated with al Qaeda, who have stormed the Christian center and offered local Christians a choice: conversion or death. A resident of the town said the rebels shouted “Allahu Akhbar” as they moved through the village, and proceeded to assault Christian homes and churches.
“They shot and killed people,” he said. “I heard gunshots and then I saw three bodies lying in the middle of a street in the old quarters of the village. Where is President Obama to see what has befallen us?” Another witness stated, “I saw the militants grabbing five villagers and threatening them and saying, ‘Either you convert to Islam, or you will be beheaded.’”
The village is located just 25 miles from Damascus, and sites within the village are dedicated as United Nations world heritage sites. Residents still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. The rebels who took over the city are associated with the al Nusra Front, an al Qaeda-associated Islamist group. Villagers reported foreign dialects ranging from Tunisian to Libyan, from Moroccan to Chechen. ......

Extremely strange  article below from  the NYTimes where the "journalists" penning the article don't know whether to kiss the butts of the rebels or shake hands with Assad. Make up your minds, damn it!  Your bias is showing!

Anne Barnard and Hwaida Saad at NYTimes:
.... Assault on Christian Town in Syria Adds to Fears Over Rebels.  For Syrian rebels fighting in recent days around the ancient Christian town of Maaloula, any gains made in battle could be wiped out in the war of perceptions.  Their incursion into the town, led by extremist Islamists, reinforces the worst fears of Syrian Christians and could bolster President Bashar al-Assad’s claims that he is the Christians’ protector. It may also complicate President Obama’s task as he struggles to convince Americans that a military strike against Mr. Assad will not strengthen Islamic extremists.
Some of the rebels, apparently aware of their public relations problem, said in interviews that they meant Christians no harm. They filmed themselves talking politely with nuns, instructing fighters not to harm civilians or churches and touring a monastery that appeared mostly intact. They said they had withdrawn from most of the town, posted videos of shelling there by Mr. Assad’s forces and argued that the government had given the fight a sectarian cast by sending Christian militiamen from Damascus to join in..........

.......Reached by telephone on Monday night, Mother Pelagia Sayaf, who is in charge of Mar Taqla, a monastery in Maloula that is among the country’s oldest, said that the 53 nuns and orphans staying there had not been harmed and that the principal damage was shattered windows. Another nun said some of the fighters were local men who promised to protect the monastery.

But the encounter with the rebels had done little to reassure the nuns that in the long run Syria’s Christians would retain the peaceful existence they had long enjoyed.

“If Maaloula survives, it will be a miracle,” Mother Sayaf said. “Maaloula is empty. You see ghosts on the walls.”

The situation in Maaloula underscores the core problems that bedevil the movement against Mr. Assad: the opposition, rooted in Syria’s Sunni majority, has failed to win over enough Christians, who make up 8 percent to 10 percent of the population, or other religious minorities. More than 450,000 Christians have fled their homes, church leaders say, during more than two years of war.........

Johannes Stern writing at GlobalResearch:
....Western-backed rebel forces  have returned to the historic Syrian town of Maaloula, destroying parts of it and killing scores of its inhabitants, according to media reports.

Rami Abdul-Rahman, the head of the Observatory for Human Rights, a London-based pro-opposition NGO, said that 1,500 fighters of the al-Qaeda linked Al-Nusra Front and the Qalamon Liberation Front stormed the village after fierce fighting with the regular Syrian army on Sunday. Last Wednesday the Islamists had attacked Maaloula for the first time but were driven out by the Syrian army after it received reinforcements from the capital Damascus.

Now the Islamists seem to have taken over the historic town that has two of the oldest Christian monasteries in Syria and is one of the few places in the world where Aramaic, the biblical language of Jesus, is still spoken.

“The army pulled back to the outskirts of the village and both [rebel groups] are in total control of Maaloula now,” Abdel-Raman said. A resident, reached by phone, confirmed that rebel forces were now in control. “The rebels are inside Maaloula, all of Maaloula. The government troops have pulled out of Maalula,” the resident said, who requested anonymity out of fear of repercussions by the Islamists......

From SKYNews;
Tension And Fury At Christian Funerals.  Hundreds of Christians who have fled the fighting in the ancient Syrian town of Maaloula have gathered in Damascus for the funeral of three of their neighbours.

Army troops have been battling for days to keep control of the hilltop town that has been a place of refuge for persecuted minority Christians for 2,000 years.
Aramaic - the language of Jesus - was spoken there.
But it is a place of refuge no longer. It has been abandoned.
Many of Maaloula's townsfolk have sought shelter in the Christian areas of Damascus.

On Tuesday they lined the main thoroughfare that runs through the Old Town to pay their respects to the dead. Straight Street, as it is called, is where St Paul once trod according to the Bible.....

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