Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Kuwaitis making a mad dash to join the jihad in Syria ....

the Sunni Kuwaitis are joining the terrorists and the Shiite Kuwaitis are supporting the regime.  Fun, fun ... all around.  If only the West would keep their damn dirty noses out of Syria!  

....The young Kuwaitis, who once were    known for their love of luxury, are today concerned with the problems of surrounding countries and are ready to go to fight in Syria, in response to the fatwas of some clerics calling for jihad and martyrdom.
Former Kuwaiti MP Waleed al-Tabtabai has become a role model for many young people, including Khaled Fouad, who was “martyred” a year ago in the west of Damascus, Nasser al-Dosari, who died in Latakia, and Bandar al-Ali among many others.
According to some figures, more than 20 young Kuwaitis joined the ranks of the Free Syrian Army and died, as opposed to other Kuwaitis, who perished in the ranks of the Syrian regime. News circulated about one Hussein Fadel Abdul Karim, who was affiliated with pro-regime Abu al-Fadl Brigade.
Kuwaitis, who mostly belong to Islamist movements, including former MPs, political activists or clerics, are leading one campaign after another to arm the Syrian opposition’s armed fighters. They have been raising banners in public places calling for jihad and armament, not to mention social  campaigns on social networking sites, including Facebook, calling for preparing mujahedeen and supplying them with financial support.
“Those who have not yet donated for Syria, do it today. Those who have already donated, do it again. Let us give money for the mujahedeen, for this is the true jihad,” one of the messages on a Facebook page said.
Another page said “denounce those who prevent support and donations in mosques. Why did they allow it in Afghanistan and withhold it in Syria? Donating for Syria is an important duty for the affluent people as much as it for the refugees and fighters as well. With the fall of the tyrant, the issue of the refugees will be solved.”......

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