Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Hunt for Tony Blair

The vid is Channel4 UK's Comedy Strip presentation.  Expect similar black comedies featuring Obama, Cameron, Hague,  McCain and Hollande in the next few years.

The below  is what Tony Blair opines on Syria which goes to prove that warmongers never change their stance on the benefits of waging needless wars while being blind to the horrors of death and carnage.  It also shows how politicians can talk on matters they have no indepth knowledge about and are still given  the power to make foolhardy decisions that culminate in disaster for not only  the citizens of their own countries but for people affected by same all over the world. 

From TheTelegraph:
....Tony Blair: military intervention   in Syria vital to prevent 'breeding ground for extremism'
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair has backed a military strike on the Syrian regime, saying international action is required to prevent the country from becoming a “breeding ground for extremism”.....
....Drawing on his own experiences, Mr Blair wrote in The Times: ''I know as one of the architects of policy after 9/11 the controversy, anguish and cost of the decisions taken.
''I understand why, now, the pendulum has swung so heavily the other way. But it is not necessary to revert to that policy to make a difference. And the forces that made those interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan so difficult are of course the very forces at the heart of the storm today.
''They have to be defeated. We should defeat them, however long it takes because otherwise they will not disappear. They will grow stronger until, at a later time, there will be another crossroads and this time there will be no choice.''
He continued: ''After the long and painful campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan, I understand every impulse to stay clear of the turmoil, to watch but not to intervene, to ratchet up language but not to engage in the hard, even harsh business of changing reality on the ground.
''But we have collectively to understand the consequences of wringing our hands instead of putting them to work.
''People wince at the thought of intervention. But contemplate the future consequence of inaction and shudder: Syria mired in carnage between the brutality of Assad and various affiliates of al Qaida, a breeding ground of extremism infinitely more dangerous than Afghanistan in the 1990s; Egypt in chaos, with the West, however unfairly, looking as if it is giving succour to those who would turn it into a Sunni version of Iran."........

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