Wednesday, August 28, 2013

American, Australian and Canadian Egyptians show their support for Egypt's new rulers ...

and want Obama and gang to stop pandering to the Muslim Brotherhood and keep their claws out of Egyptian affairs.

Adelaide Mena writing at NationalCatholicRegister:
...Muslims and Christians March on D.C.    Protesting Muslim Brotherhoodʼs Violence in Egypt.
Hundreds of marchers gathered to express solidarity with persecuted Coptic Christians and show support for the interim government led by Egypt's military.

Hundreds of Egyptian Christians and Muslims gathered in the nationʼs capital on Aug. 22 to protest the acts of violence perpetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters against minorities — particularly Coptic Christians — in Egypt.

“You can burn down our churches, but you can never touch our faith,” one protester said at the march.
“Burning 100 churches is terrorism, not Morsi legitimacy,” said another.

Violence erupted in Egypt after the interim government’s security forces broke up camps of protesters allied with the Muslim Brotherhood on Aug. 14. The protesters had been demanding that former President Mohammed Morsi, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, be returned to power. The Egyptian military had removed Morsi from office last month in response to a popular uprising where millions of Egyptians took to the streets demanding Morsi leave office........

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