Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The military might of the USA is poised and ready

Most of us thought we would never again see the USA use the  kind of bombardment that devastated Iraq and blew up mountains of sand in Afghanistan, didn't we?  I know I didn't.  At that time didn't we say to each other "after this display of military power, nobody, not even Russia will ever antagonize the USA"   and didn't we go in awe for days after that at how great and mighty America's military power was and all that?  Did we ever think that the same kind of display would be seen again and this soon?  However, IMO, this time it's coming  for a reason that's not a reason at all but a devious, evil  plan more devious and more evil than the strategy of going after Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia.

I truly feel sorry for the  pro-Assad side.   Even if  they use every single item in their depleted stock of munitions and even if Iran tries to help them to hit back at the USA and even if  Hezbollah does their very worst .... I   doubt there will be even an inch of a dent made in the force coming their way.  BUT ... if Russia or China jumps in .... then all bets are off.  AND .. if both jump in then it's goodbye Earth the way we know it.

From AP:
How possible US strike against Syria could unfold  ...Four U.S. Navy destroyers — the USS Gravely, USS Mahan, USS Barry and USS Ramage — are in the eastern Mediterranean Sea waiting for the order to launch.

They are armed with dozens of Tomahawk cruise missiles, which have a range of about 1,000 nautical miles, and are used for deep, precise targeting. Each one is about 20 feet long and less than two feet in diameter, and carries a 1,000 pound warhead.

The missiles fly at low altitudes and their range allows the ships to sit far off the coast, out of range of any potential response by the Syrian government. Some ships have cameras that can provide battle damage assessments.

Britain's Royal Navy has deployed at least one Trafalgar-class attack submarine to the Mediterranean, though it declines to specify where. Each of the subs typically carries around a dozen Tomahawk missiles. That supply, if exhausted, could be quickly restocked by a Royal Navy nine-ship task force that deployed this month to the eastern Mediterranean.

The British Royal Air Force base Akrotiri, 175 miles west of the Syrian coast, could be used by cruise missile-capable U.S., British and French aircraft...........

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