
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Papa Francisco renews call to pray for Egypt

When will Earthmen come to the realization that prayers don't help when you are dealing with the devil incarnate.  Only like behaviour and like weapons used against you by the monsters can keep you from getting cut to pieces.  Stop with the call for prayers for peace. Enough already !!  

The Coptic Orthodox Church has also issued a press release which is a much better one than just calling for prayers like His Holiness has done from the Vatican.

Are religious people that delusional that they really and truly think that prayers will make murderous Muslims into their best buddies ?   Sheesh and double Sheesh!!

From VaticanToday:
.... Pope Francis has renewed    his call for peace and reconciliation in Egypt. In a statement, the vice-director of the Vatican Press Office, Father Ciro Benedettini, CP, said the Holy Father “continues to follow with growing concern the serious news coming from Egypt and continues to pray for end to violence, and that the parties choose the path of dialogue and reconciliation.”

Earlier in the week, during the Angelus prayer on the Feast of the Assumption (Aug. 15), Pope Francis had launched an urgent appeal for peace in Egypt, assuring “the victims, their families, the wounded and those who suffer” of his prayers.

Meanwhile, the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt, headed by Pope Tawadros II, has issued a press release concerning the recent events in their country.

Below, please find the full text of the press release, translated by the Office Of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II:
The Coptic orthodox church of Egypt is following closely the unfortunate incidences occurring in our nation Egypt and confirms its strong stance with the Egyptian law enforcement, the armed forces, and all of the institutions of the Egyptian people in its confrontation of the violent armed organizations, dark terrorists, both internal and external, the attacks on the government offices as well as our peaceful churches which are terrorizing our citizens both Coptic and Muslim.
These actions stand against all religions, morality, and humanity. We commend the stance of the friendly and loyal countries who understand the nature of these turns of events and we strongly denounce the erroneous reporting that is being broadcasted in the western media. We invite them to review the actual events subjectively instead of legitimizing these bloody terrorist organizations and all its affiliations with international support and political protection while they are attempting to spread devastation and destruction in our dear nation. We only request that the international and western media please report an valid account of the events with accuracy, truth, and honesty.
We send our condolences for all the victims and martyrs of duty that gave their lives, and we pray for the recovery of all the injured and afflicted. We persevere in our strong national unity and repulse any attempts to polarize our nation into a secular conflict. We absolutely reject any complete or even partial foreign interference in the internal national affairs of Egypt and as the hands of evil are extended to burn, kill and destroy; but the hands of God are nearer to protect, strengthen, and build. We have full confidence in the divine intervention that will navigate the Egyptian people in the delicate time of our history to a better tomorrow and a brighter future that will be filled with justice, peace, and democracy that the people of the Nile Valley deserve.
Long live Egypt, free and proud.
The Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt

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