Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Muslim Brotherhood's army of Al Qaeda terrorists thirst for Christian blood ...

and not just in Egypt.  The persecution of Christians is everywhere where the islamists know they can get away with it.  The Judeo-Christian nations make it even easier by not condemning the abuse, killing, persecution, rapes, acid attacks, burning of churches, etc. Instead, the Judeo-Christian nations send more funds and  more aid to those countries.  Yes ... it is indeed a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad world of insane politicians, all escapees from either lunatic bins or the zoo.

John Rossomando writing at InvestigativeProject:

No sooner did security forces, backed by armored cars and bulldozers, clear encampments in the city's Nadha and Raba'a al Adiwiya squares did the Islamists turn to targeting Christian churches. Approximately 1,000 Muslim Brotherhood supporters set fire to the Churches of Abraham and the Virgin Mary in Menya.

Angry mobs also targeted churches, monasteries and other church properties in Alexandria, Suez and a number of other cities in Upper Egypt, according to Egypt's Al-Ahram.

Muslim Brotherhood members also firebombed Mar Geergiss Church, the main Coptic church in the southern Egyptian city of Sohag, burning it to the ground. Islamists had previously raised an al-Qaida flag over the church. St. Theresa Church in Assiut in Upper Egypt was also burned.

"It is a climate of violence," he added, "and the people are scared," Father Rafic Greiche, a Catholic Church spokesman in Egypt, told Vatican Radio........

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