Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The monkey tricks of Canada's Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau are truly vomit inducing

The Liberals of Canada have no shame, no sense of right or wrong, no family values, no nothing. 

Justin Trudeau's antics not only give rise to bile in your mouth ... it also raises an unvoiced dread among both non-Muslim as well as Muslim Canadians who have migrated to Canada thinking they are getting away from countries where the followers of the cult of islam are in their plenty.  However, imagine the nasty shock these new immigrants get when to their dismay they find  that the politicians in their country of adoption are like putty in the hands of the cult members whose numbers are also ferociously increasing.

Justin Trudeau's  utter lack of respect  for Canadians who have suffered under islamic rule in their old countries is disgusting to say the least.  And,  no... in case you are wondering,  my old country was not islamic .... but I have friends who have come from islamic hellholes and have heard stories from both Muslims and non-Muslims.  

Justin Trudeau's parents were as heartless and as devoid of a sense of right and wrong. His mother was a   favorite groupie that  rolled  with the Rolling Stones  when she was separated from his father but not divorced.  She left her three young sons in Ottawa while she skipped to "do her thing" in New York.  His father  was  also  known to "do his thing"  with a horde of  his own groupies in both Canada and the USA and had a daughter by a mistress he never married even though nothing stopped him from doing the right thing.  Those are the kind of  "family values"  Justin Trudeau is very comfortable with.  Play acting is second nature ... maybe first...  for this dangerous wannabe Prime Minister of Canada.  I hope that day will never come to pass because it will mean the end of Canada and a hastening of Canadistan.  

Right now, he can pretend all he wants to be one with the Muslims in order to get their vote .... and just like what Hollande of France did,  he will turn around the next day and screw those who voted for his rise, be they Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Jew or Christian. 

From Ezra Levant's blog:
In the theatre that is modern political campaigns,   there are two usual costumes: A parliamentary suit and tie, and the casual blue shirt and khaki pants. 

But politicians have a third wardrobe for the hustings: Ethnic costumes. Politicians campaigning in synagogues wear Jewish yarmulkes; politicians campaigning in Sikh temples wear colourful turbans. But is there a line between showing solidarity with the cultural symbols of a new Canadian group and actually converting religions?........ 

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