Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Obama's buddies in the Sheikdoms of the ME give the finger to the USA and EU

HAHAHAHAHAHAH!   There goes the stick sticky with the bribe of 1 B+  that the  USA was holding over Egypt.   The Saudi mouthpiece AlArabiya is reporting that Egypt will be getting all the financial aid they need from the stinking Sunni sheikdoms. See how terrified the dictators are of the Muslim Brotherhood ?!    They want them completely destroyed much more than us.  We want the MB  gone because we are fighting sharia and jihad of every kind.  They want them gone in order to hold on to their dictatorships.

....Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister   Prince Saud al-Faisal said on Monday that Arab and Islamic nations will step in to help Egypt if Western countries cut their financial aid to Cairo over the a crackdown on Islamist loyalists of ousted President Mohammad Mursi. 

“To those who have announced they are cutting their aid to Egypt, or threatening to do that, (we say that) Arab and Muslim nations are rich... and will not hesitate to help Egypt,” al-Faisal said in a statement carried by SPA state news agency.

He was speaking upon his return from France, where he held talks with President Francois Hollande, who strongly condemned violence in Egypt.

Prince al-Faisal criticized Western condemnations of Egypt’s security crackdown against Islamists saying Egypt is fighting terrorism.

“All countries that take such negative attitudes toward Egypt should know that the blaze and ruin will not be limited to Egypt alone, but they will be reflected on all those who have contributed or stood by problems and disorders taking place in Egypt today,” Prince al-Faisal said.

“We will not consider those who ignore these facts and drift behind the flimsy propaganda and lies as a good faith or ignorance, but we will consider them as hostile attitudes against the interests of the Arab and Islamic nations and their stability,” Prince al-Faisal added.
Hundreds of people have been killed in the North African country since security forces began a clampdown on Muslim Brotherhood protests last week. 

U.S. Senator John McCain called on Washington to suspend its $1.3 billion in annual aid to Egypt’s military after it overthrew Islamist President Mursi on July 3.

But some U.S. lawmakers have expressed concern that cutting off aid could endanger the peace treaty with Israel or compromise U.S. privileges with regard to the Suez Canal.

Foreign ministers of the European Union are to hold emergency talks on Wednesday to review the bloc’s relations with Cairo.....


  1. That would be 1 billion every month in aid. Their pockets don't run that deep.

    1. Hahahaha! You are kidding aren't you? Saudi itself can keep giving 5 billion each month and think nothing of it.It's chicken feed for those vile creatures. Have you any idea how stinking rich those places have become and all because of the West's addiction to their oil? Libya, I am sure will also start funding Egypt alongwith the other suspects.... if I remember right they had already pledged to fund the Muslim Brotherhood but now with pressure from Saudi ... might transfer that pledge to the new rulers. Saudi has already spent more than 60 Billion trying to get rid of Assad in Syria ... and that I had read more than 6 months ago. That money has of course flowed to the USA, UK, France and others ... more precisely to the armament manufacturers in the countries that have manufactured the civil war in Syria.
      The hellholes of the Middle East have as much money as the grains of sand in their lands....maybe even more.

    2. Simon ... just wanted to make clear that the promised aid from the USA is actually 1 B+ annually. I missed that you said "month".


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