
Friday, May 10, 2013

Traitors high up in the USA Military are clearly the ones responsible for the untimely deaths of the Navy Seals ...

last year.  The demeaning actions of military honchos kneeling at the feet of the enemies in Afghanistan is truly vomit-inducing.  Listen to at least part of this long vid on the National Press Club conference held yesterday  and you will wonder what has happened to the America we used to know and wonder anew if the rot going on down south is perhaps also seeping upwards here into our own Canadian military.  I hope not.
The video has a lot of heroes speaking at the conference and I am only still into the first hour  and have already listened to some great folks and real patriots.  Thank the good Lord for such great people who understand what's going on in the Muslim world and the pure hatred they have for us and for also realizing that we here in the West have too many traitors within the ranks of our elected officers and in the military.

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