
Friday, May 10, 2013

The Left was once a reasonable party? Really? Really?

Reason and the Left??  Can you mix oil and water?

R.Emmett Tyrrell writing at AmericanSpectator:
....Though it pains me to say it, I have made my final judgment about the left. They do not like conservatives very much. In fact, they come to an immediate boil when we enter their admittedly quite limited range of perception. It all began back in the 1960s when radical thought gained a footing with American Liberals. Back in those days Liberals relished America, the mixed economy (as they called capitalism), our system of government, and they were free of the bees in their bonnets that eventually drove them to collective suicide: feminism, socialism, identity politics, and all the little stuff: consumerism, the sky is falling, something about organic foods. Taken one thing with another it finally consumed Liberalism, moving me last year to administer the last rites to the whole gaudy set of bugaboos and to pronounce Liberalism dead in a sad little book, The Death of Liberalism.

Now Liberalism’s heirs compose the left. From the radicalism of the 1960s the left emerged, grew powerful in the Democratic Party, and replaced the corpses of Liberalism to become the reigning orthodoxy of the Democratic Party. As recently as 2006 Machiavels like Rahm Emanuel tried to reinvigorate the party by running moderates and traditional Liberals as candidates in congressional races, but his achievement was completely undone by the Republican sweep of 2010, and by 2012 the left, led by their leader, the improbable president, Barack Obama, finally completely took over the Democratic Party. These people are not like the Liberals, who while condescending to conservatives did not hate us. These left-wingers really do hate us. That is why in the Congress not much in the way of compromise can be achieved. Sometime back I dined on Capitol Hill with a senator who had been around some three decades. He said it with telling precision, “Up here the two sides almost never meet.” The left hates us.

I personally discovered this back in the Clinton days. A friend probably of the moderate left came banging into my gym........

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