Thursday, May 2, 2013

Greenpeace activists launch attack on Australia's coal industry

What are the chances that the world controllers sitting smugly in the sands of the Middle East are funding  Greenpeace in this activism against the coal industry in Australia?  The chances are very, very good.  Know why?  The oil producers don't want an alternative to their product and the young stupidos being used  by Greenpeace billionaire honchos are manipulated in doing their monkey tricks and throwing  wrenches in the works of anything that dare threaten the oil flow from the Middle East .  Poor souls will feel so ashamed of themselves when their brain cells  mature and they come to the stark reality of  how they were used to further enrich the 1% they profess to hate.  What a deceitful world this is, especially when one is young, gullible and easily lead astray by master conmen like the honchos at Greenpeace.

Six Greenpeace activists boarded  a coal ship bound for South Korea near Australia's Great Barrier Reef on Wednesday, protesting against the expansion of the rich Australian coal industry and its impact on the World Heritage site.....

....The ship MV Meister was carrying thermal coal from Abbot Point in northern Queensland state, a port that falls within the Great Barrier Reef heritage area, and was still in Australian waters in the Coral Sea when it was boarded en route to Donghae in South Korea.

"They have established a peaceful occupation of the ship," said Georgina Woods, a climate campaigner on board Greenpeace's flagship, the Rainbow Warrior.

Activists launched inflatable boats from the Rainbow Warrior and boarded the coal vessel early on Wednesday. A letter was handed to the captain of the ship detailing their reasons for the occupation.

"Ordinary people will have to stand up to stop the expansion of coal exports and that's what Greenpeace is doing today," Woods said.

The Australian Coal Association, an advocacy body representing the industry, said the action was dangerous and irresponsible.

Coal is Australia's second-largest commodity, with exports increasing some 50 percent over the past 10 years and worth almost A$60 billion in 2011-2012.

"We need to ensure that our sector remains internationally competitive to ensure that Australia benefits from the sustainable development of its coal resources," Nikki Williams, CEO of the Australian Coal Association, said in a statement.

"The Australian people have not given Greenpeace a veto over its economic future."......

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