Thursday, May 2, 2013

Paging CSIS ..Come in CSIS... please investigate what's going on at the York Region Police Services

This is a clear case of police blackmailing Canadian citizens using their own special brand of muslim tactics !!   Today, I am ashamed to be a Canadian.  Our police force is a reflection on us too and by extension their lousy behavior leaves a dirty, smelly mark on all of us here in the Province of Ontario.  This situation is one of the most vomit-inducing I have encountered in a long time. Is the York Region Police Services under the control of Muslims???  Or are our police departments  full of cowering jellies?  This is worse than the video of a few years ago that showed the UK policemen running away like Olympic athletes from raving Muslims.

Pamela Geller is one of the foremost freedom fighters in North America.  Wish there were thousands more brave and articulate people like her who tell the truth no matter what and damn the consequences.  Besides, she is one  beautiful woman !!  Beauty + Brains.... a lethal combination that those on the evil side just cannot stomach.

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