Thursday, May 2, 2013

Egypt gone to the dogs of Islamist-style "democracy"

Don't forget that the USA nurtured the Muslim Brotherhood and brought them to power in Egypt.  Don't forget that Egypt and Libya are already forming close ties and that's not gonna work out well for either the secular Egyptians nor for us in the West.  It won't be long now before Islamists and ordinary Egyptians start strangling each other in the streets of Cairo.  Wait and see.

From AhramEnglish:
Declarations of war: Islamist vs. private media in Egypt. First 200 days of Morsi presidency sees 24 legal complaints against journalists accused of 'insulting president,' leading many to believe Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood is targeting local media.

"I stopped watching television. Now I watch cartoons with my children, movies and religious sermons only," said Qutb Sayed, 40, a driver who lives with his wife and four children in a small one-room flat in Cairo's industrial city of 6 October. "I'm tired of this charged atmosphere: you're liberal, you're secular, you're a kafir [an unbeliever], you're pious – everyone thinks they have the whole truth."
Many Egyptians share Sayed's frustration with television talk shows and the apparent war between Egypt's private and Islamist-leaning media. Daily talk shows feature constant heated debates between opposition figures and Islamists, be they face to face or via telephone.
Some talk shows on private television channels begin with long lectures in which the presenter criticises the presidency and government; some mock authorities; others attack politicians using language that could be deemed offensive, screaming at the camera in loud voices; others go so far as to urge the military to resume administration of the country.

Many Islamist talk shows, on the other hand, attack opponents of President Mohamed Morsi and critics of the government, make fun of them, insult them, question their patriotic credentials or personal ethics, or even accuse them of atheism. 

Amid the spate of insults and personal attacks, Egyptians often find themselves emotionally charged, confused, angry or indifferent..........

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