Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Yet another "holier than thou" Conservative clown leaps out of the woodwork ...Ryan Doyle the dolt

Is there no end to these idiots?

First in line was Joe Warmington    piling on His Worship and the clown even remarked  "I created the monster"  .... really Warmington??? Really?? really??   Ah ...the ego !!

Now, Ryan Doyle says  his bloody piece on  TheArena with Michael Coren.   Instead of looking at ways on how to right the injustice done to our mayor, these banshees are instead piling on him.  How very disappointing.  Doyle has let the lefties push their viewpoint on him ... that makes him just a Straw Man.   Ugh !!   I have been fortunate enough never to have listened to his radio shows and given by his opinions here,  I know I didn't miss out on anything  important.   This man is an appeaser ....which in my dictionary also means a coward .....  he preferred that His Worship should have been extra careful not to step on the lefties' toes rather than be himself.  Ugh ... and double ugh !!


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