Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Injustice Charles Hackland, by ruling against our mayor, has disenfranchised 383501 Torontonians who voted for Rob Ford and by that act alone has thrown Canada into the same category as the nations where Canada sends our soldiers to bring "democracy".

Please sign the petition here to show your support for Mayor Rob Ford.   And, for those who asked ... no,  I am not the author and neither am I the initiator of this petition. It was forwarded to me by a family friend who heard someone speaking about it on CP24 (that's the CityTV).  From the vid below, we can surmise, probably rightly, that Stephen Taylor or someone from his group or connected to him .... has authored the petition.  Also, for those who asked why the cellphone # is required ... there's no need to fill that field.  The first three fields should be enough ... in fact  I would have thought just the first two fields should have been enough.

Please show your support ... we MUST.  Also send the petition on to everybody you know in Canada.  Activate yourself, activate others around you and get them to do likewise to everybody who believes in true democracy and who would like to see the injustice done by Justice Hackland to Mayor Rob Ford is not left to rot and fester any further, not only over this city but beyond it to encompass the whole of Canada.
What has happened in Toronto on Monday is nothing but a conspiracy hatched by the Left and a very vile segment of the Left.   I will continue writing on this issue until the wrong done to my vote and to the votes of my family ... is set right.  I might be a first generation immigrant ... but nobody has the right to trample on my vote.  NOBODY !!!!!!

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