Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Killing of Christians in Damascus is just minor collateral damage on way to vaporize Iran

So ... let's get it done with already !  Christians are just fodder because the idiots are so meek, mild and forever offering the other cheek for those stinging hard slaps from all and sundry.

 More than 50 people were killed   on Wednesday when a string of car bombs devastated a government-held suburb of Damascus in one of the bloodiest attacks to hit the Syrian capital since the civil war began.....
....The explosions are the fourth attack on the district over the past three months. On August 12 people died and dozens were wounded when bomb detonated at a funeral.
Jaramana has a large population of Christians and Druze, an influential minority whose faith is an offshoot of Shia Islam.....

From NewsXinhuanet China:
 ...At least 34 people    were killed and 83 other injured after four blasts rocked the Jaramana suburb of the Syrian capital of Damascus earlier on Wednesday, the state- TV quoted an interior ministry source as saying.
The report said that 10 bags of human remains had been collected.
The blasts were caused by two booby-trapped cars and two explosive devices that went off in swift succession in several areas of Jaramana and left scenes of carnage and destruction...
....Jaramana, a suburb dominated by Christians and Druze, has witnessed a series of explosions over the past several months, in a sign of how the sectarian rivalries are evolving in Syria that has been engulfed with a 20-months-old bloody crisis.....

From TheHindu India:
....The state news agency,  SANA, said two cars packed with explosives detonated early in the morning in the eastern Jaramana suburb, a district that is mostly loyal to President Bashar Assad. The area is populated mostly by Christians and Druse, a minority sect....
....Wednesday’s car bombs went off in a parking lot located between two commercial buildings. They were detonated within five minutes of one another as groups of laborers and employees were arriving to work.
The blasts shattered windows in nearby buildings, littering the street with glass and debris. Human remains were scattered on the pavement amid pools of blood....
...Jaramana district has been frequently targeted in the past weeks, as the rebels push their way into the capital. Ten people were killed and 41 were injured when a car bomb exploded in the district earlier this month.....

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