Sunday, November 4, 2012

The mess in Syria, gets messier .... by design

The more people dead, the more room they make for trees and grass.  The USA knows best and all of us better shut up and listen to the witch Hillary Clinton and her warlord boss Barack Hussein Obama when they tell us that the Assad regime must go and that's that ... the King and Queen of the world have spoken and their court  of jesters are skipping around eagerly awaiting  the kill.  Even if  Obama does not get a second term,  Syria's fate is sealed.  Romney's foreign policy and understanding of  the Middle East is far worse than Obama's take on it.

From TheGuardianUK
...A rebel fighter from Idlib province has blamed the execution of government soldiers on Thursday on a Salafi group that he says are increasingly influential in the area. Abu Abdul Rahiem, a fighter in Jebal al-Zawiyia, said that the incident occurred in al-Nayrab to the west of Saraqeb.....
.....The leader of the beleaguered Syrian National Council has accused Hillary Clinton of ignoring the 
complexity of the Syrian crisis after she backed a rival opposition council.
In an interview the journalist Zaid Benjamin Abdel Basset Sayda insisted that the SNC represented the "voice of the revolution".
On Wednesday the US secretary of state confirmed US backing for new a new broad-based opposition council – the Syrian National Initiative [SNI]........

The vid below is purportedly of Kurds in a procession who were fired upon by one the rebel gangs, the FSA,   the "official opposition" to Assad

From ArmeniaNow:
The St. Gevorg church in Aleppo’s Armenian-populated district of Nor Kyugh was set ablaze on Monday, reported, quoting a representative of the local Armenian prelacy. 
Speaking to the online paper, the spokesman, Zhirayr Reisian, confirmed that the church had become a target of rebels and that it had almost been reduced to ashes.
Reisian also said that the Mesrobian Armenian school adjacent to the church has been seriously damaged, too....
....Later Reisian told state-run agency Armenpress that a group of 10 Christians, including seven Armenians, was kidnapped near Aleppo.
About four dozen Syrian Armenians have reportedly been killed since the start of the conflict in Syria in March 2011. Hundreds of an estimated 80,000 Syrian Armenian, mostly concentrated in Aleppo, have taken refuge in Armenia since fighting between government and opposition forces reached the city last July......

From ChristianScienceMonitor:
 ...If the US thought it would find Syrian allies      who would prevent war atrocities, or be able to take swift control of Syria in the event of Assad's defeat and steer it in a pro-US direction, they are going to be sorely disappointed.
As evidenced by a graphic video uploaded to YouTube      yesterday that shows a terrified group of at least a dozen men, defeated fighters for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, huddled together on a bare concrete floor in a battle-scared building in the market town of Saraqeb, Syria, the other day as their scowling captors, kicked and cursed them into a pile before executing them.
The jumpy footage shows the following: Men in rags, many stripped of their shoes. Some appear dazed from the wounds of a battle they'd just lost. Others appear to be hyperventilating out their last prayers and thoughts. One pleads for his life. A rebel walks among the prisoners, getting in a few last kicks to the head of one of them.
Then, the cries of "God is great" from the triumphant murderers are drowned out by a buzzsaw of automatic rifle fire.......
....But what happened at Saraqeb is about more than the prevalence of jihadis in Syria's civil war. The "Free Syrian Army" is a nice concept. In practice, however, the fighters against Assad are a loosely affiliated patchwork of militias, with no unified command.
The behavior of these irregular units varies widely, as do their sources of funding. Some groups have received a trickle of communications and non-lethal aid from the likes of the US. Others have received weapons from states like Qatar or right private donors in fellow Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia.....

From Reuters:
....The pullout followed   coordinated rebel attacks on Thursday against three military posts around Saraqeb, 50 km (30 miles) southwest of Aleppo, in which 28 soldiers were killed.
Several were shown in video footage being shot after they had surrendered.
"The allegations are that these were soldiers who were no longer combatants. And therefore, at this point it looks very likely that this is a war crime, another one," U.N. human rights spokesman Rupert Colville said in Geneva.
"Unfortunately this could be just the latest in a string of documented summary executions by opposition factions as well as by government forces and groups affiliated with them, such as the shabbiha (pro-government militia)," he said.
Video footage of the killings showed rebels berating the captured men, calling them "Assad's dogs", before firing round after round into their bodies as they lay on the ground.....

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