Sunday, November 4, 2012

Nonie Darwish on Barack Hussein Obama

One by one,  even those who vehemently thought people like myself who have always maintained that Obama is more "Hussein" than not, will realize we were right and they were wrong.

Nonie Darwish writing at FrontPageMag:
....My heart sank  when I heard president Obama’s recent statement at the UN: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” It was difficult to hear the president of the United States declare to the world that critics of Mohammed are wrong, don’t have a cause, must not be heard, respected, taken seriously and will have no future in America.

I lived 30 years of my life hearing similar threats from Islamic sheikhs across the Middle East, telling us “You insult the prophet Mohammed, you die,” which is the law of Sharia. There are sharia books bought and sold in America that clearly state that “the penalty for insulting the prophet is death even if one repents.” What constitutes an insult of the prophet could be something minor, such as saying Mohammed married a 9-year-old, which is a fact, but if it is stated in a critical way, it is considered an insult. Sharia law condemns those who leave Islam to death, or to use Obama’s parlance, to “have no future,” for simply stating they have left Islam and why. Islam considers stating why a person left Islam to be an insult to Islam and subversion of the Islamic state, which constitutes a capital crime.....

Nonie Darwish wrting at AmericanThinker
....I have never entertained   the idea that Obama was a Muslim and always believed he was a socialist. But Obama's behavior over the last four years regarding Islam has convinced me that Obama has a Socialist/Islamic centered worldview -- a combination that is not uncommon in many parts of the Muslim world.

Having been a journalist in Egypt for six years in the seventies, I have witnessed socialism with an Islamic twist to be a popular political ideology, especially amongst Arab journalists and intellectuals. Socialism, and even communism, have managed to survive in the ruthless Islamic political system as an alternative to full-fledged Sharia. The two ideologies have blended together in cases including the Baath Party in Syria and Iraq and socialist regimes in Egypt and Yemen. One major difference between the two ideologies is that Islam uses Allah, while socialism uses atheism, to fight the God of Christianity. Free democracies, such as the United States, are alien to Islam and socialism both because they regard government as a servant of the people and hold that human rights are granted by God and not by government or the code of Sharia.

Both Sharia and socialism are united in their envy of Western society and need to change it. That is why Obama has become the savior of both Islam and socialism. He embodies both ideologies. The claim that Obama is a Christian was a silly joke, but a necessary lie for the greater cause of changing America to fit the goals of both creeds......

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