Monday, November 5, 2012

Quotable quotes from the wonderful world of free speechers ... Part 17

Salim Mansur,   Canadian, Political Science Professor and author

"The Arab-Muslim world deserves to be isolated and contained, as was the former Soviet Union. An Iron Curtain, in Winston Churchill’s memorable words, should descend separating the West and its allies from the Arab-Muslim world until the latter has exhausted itself of its own demons."

"The idea that all cultures are equal is an absurdity! Where does this idea come from? In five thousand years of history, no civilization has claimed all cultures are equal, because what would be the independent, objective standards by which one would make that claim?"

"What indeed grates upon the mainstream media and unsettles the left is the patriotism of the Tea Party enthusiasts, and their refusal to heed those many voices of the so-called sophisticated intellectuals in New York and Los Angeles who deride America’s founding values."

"Those Muslims in the Arab-Muslim world who would be enraged can be counted on to rage on any excuse as part of an orchestrated effort by government-controlled mosques and political parties"

"The decline, probably disappearance, of Christians from the Middle East is an ominous sign of a tragic future for the region.
It is another sign of the West scandalously appeasing Islamist totalitarianism that might well be as catastrophic as when Europe’s major democracies appeased Hitler and the Nazis in the 1930s."

"Islamism — the joining of electoral politics as democracy with the objective of imposing Shariah-based rule with which the MB is identified — is merely another face of totalitarian politics in the Arab-Muslim world
"It is extraordinary that an apologetic America, as President Obama’s 2009 speech in Cairo symbolized, and Europe with its appeasement mind-set cannot get their act together in compelling a third world rogue state, Iran, to abandon its quest for nuclear weapons capability or face dire military consequences."

"Free speech is the pulse of a free society, the antidote to the pathology of politics driven by mobs.

"....what needs to be said to the Arab-Muslim world, irrespective of how mobs there engage in rampaging their own societies, is that the West as a civilization is also defined by something sacred.
This something sacred and universal in appeal is individual freedom, manifest in the principle of free speech in whose defence people have made the ultimate sacrifice and, hence, this principle is non-negotiable."

"Liberal democracy is based on the idea of freedom and individual rights. And when you import the idea of multiculturalism, then you are placing an equal emphasis on group identity, or collectivism."

Below are some select paragraphs from Salim Mansur's  statement to the largely "brain-dead but kept on life support" Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration in the House of Commons on Oct 1, 2012.  Don't forget   that the  dimwits    making up that committee are paid  huge salaries and "lottery-winner-kind-of-pensions" when they retire   ... all at the cost to the taxpayers of this country.  The acrimony in the questions flung at Mansur  after his statement, tell us volumes about the kind of calibre or lack thereof that make up the morons walking the corridors of power in Ottawa.

"It is numbers and the nature of numbers that matters and, given the nature of things, determines how existing arrangements are secured or undermined. Since the open door immigration policy was instituted around the time of Canada’s centennial year, the nature of immigration into Canada started to change from what had been the pattern since before 1867 to around 1960."

"During the past fifty years immigration from outside of Europe, from what is generally designated the Third World, has rapidly increased in proportion to those immigrants originating in Europe. Furthermore, given the revolution in transportation with the introduction of wide body trans-continental jetliner that has made mass travel economical and easy the distinction between immigrant and migrant workers has been eliminated. This means, and it is not simply in reference to ethnicity, that Canada is rapidly changing culturally in ways our political elite, media elite and academic elite do not want to discuss. But the fact that this is not discussed, or driven under the carpet, does not mean the public is not keenly aware of how much the country has changed in great measure in a relatively short period, and if this pattern continues for another few decades there is the likelihood that Canada will have changed irrevocably, and not necessarily for the better in terms of its political tradition as a liberal democracy."

"We cannot fix the social problems of the Canadian society by an open immigration policy that adds to the numbers at a rate that puts into question the absorptive capacity of the country not only in economic terms but also, if not more importantly, in cultural and social terms and what this does to our political arrangements as a liberal democracy."

"The flow of immigration into Canada from around the world, and in particular the flow from Muslim countries, means a pouring in of numbers into a liberal society of people from cultures at best non-liberal. But we know through our studies and observations that the illiberal mix of cultures poses one of the greatest dilemmas and an unprecedented challenge to liberal societies, such as ours, when there is no demand placed on immigrants any longer to assimilate into the founding liberal values of the country to which they have immigrated to and, instead, by a misguided and thoroughly wrong-headed policy of multiculturalism encourage the opposite."

"We cannot, however, continue with such an in-flow of immigrants under the present arrangement of the official policy of multiculturalism based on the premise all cultures are equal when this is untrue, and that this policy is a severe, perhaps even a lethal, test for a liberal democracy such as ours.
This means we cannot simultaneously continue with both, the existing level of immigration and official multiculturalism, as they together endanger greatly our liberal democratic traditions."

"If we persist we will severely undermine our liberal democracy or what remains of it, compromise the foundation of individual freedom by accommodating group rights, and bequeath to our children and unborn generations a political situation fraught with explosive potential for ethnic violence the sort of which we have seen in Europe as in the riots in the ban lieu or suburbs of Paris and other metropolitan centres."

"We have the precedent of how we selectively closed immigration from the Soviet bloc countries during the Cold War years, and we need to consider doing the same in terms of immigration from Muslim countries for a period of time given how disruptive the cultural baggage of illiberal values is brought in as a result. We are, in other words, stoking the fuel of much unrest in our country as we have witnessed of late in Europe. And lest any member wants to instruct me that my views are in any way politically incorrect or worse, I would like members to note I come before you as a practicing Muslim who knows out of experience from the inside how volatile, how disruptive, how violent, how misogynistic is the culture of Islam today and has been during my lifetime, and how greatly it threatens our liberal democracy that I cherish since I know what is its opposite."

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