Sunday, November 25, 2012

Abuse of power by "children aid" mandates

What's happening in the UK is  worse than the scariest of  nightmares you can envision for any society on earth.   The USA might have economic problems but America is a nation of the bravest  and the most determined individuals hellbent on saving their country from ruin and that itself should be enough to give us boosts of hope for that nation.  However,  we can see ... if we remove the blinders from our eyes, that the UK is made up of wimps.  Even their police force is known to run away with their tails between their legs when confronted with hooligans and mad muzzies.  Therein lies the problem of the UK.  A nation of cowards is easily taken over by those who don't give a crap about  anything or anybody but themselves.

I hope Nigel Farage will come out with a barrage of his verbal missiles on this situation.  I am eagerly waiting to see that  lashing. (I wrote that  and did a search and lo and behold ... found something. HAH)  I am sure we will hear lots more from him on the deplorable tactics to discredit the UKIP.

Andrew Gilligan  writing at TheTelegraph:
The stunning decision by Rotherham Council   to remove three children from a foster home (where they were happy) because the foster parents support UKIP shows that the “culture war” here in Britain is being waged not by the Right, but by the Left.

Joyce Thacker the council’s director of children, who said her decision was influenced by UKIP’s sceptical take on multiculturalism, is the mirror image of those mad American right-wingers who want to outlaw abortion clinics and homosexuals. Unlike them, though, she is in a position of power. Hers is the latest in a series of increasingly chilling actions of this nature taken by bien-pensant officials.

Last week, Adrian Smith, a Christian, won a High Court appeal against his demotion by Trafford Housing Trust for expressing opposition on his private Facebook page to gay marriage in church. (Even most liberals do not believe that churches should be forced to conduct gay marriages on their premises!) Somebody else was convicted of racially abusing her neighbour by calling her a “stupid fat Australian.” The week before, a bus driver won a court case against his sacking for being a member of the BNP – even though he had never acted in a racist way at work, no-one had ever complained and he was considered a “first-class employee.”

The special interest of the Rotherham case – and no doubt why Ed Miliband was so quick to condemn it – is that in five days’ time the town has a parliamentary by-election. Labour is already in a bit of .....


  1. It's sad about the UK. Churchill has been spinning in his grave for a decade or more.

  2. Yup, Canuckguy ... very sad.
    The islamization and shariah is, at present, mainly in the large towns and cities. Britishers living in places away from the centre, places like we see in the Inspector Morse or Agatha Christie series on TV, don't know anything about what's going on because the Left in UK (mainly the college profs, Brits working abroad in the oil rich Arab countries, the strong and influential elite who party around with rich educated Arabs and think they are all great and groovy and of course the Press) make sure that no adverse news about shariah courts running parallel with UK courts is given any exposure and if at all anything gets a few lines in one of the newspapers or a few minutes on TV, they know exactly how to play it down by pointing out that the percentage of Muslim population is so minimal that it can never create any problems whatsoever.
    What people fail to realize is that to change laws you don't need a huge percentage, you just need a few determined crooks.

    If not for the internet and the alternate media like the blogs, this silent invasion would go completely unmasked.


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