Saturday, November 24, 2012

Tommy Robinson, political prisoner of the almost fully caliphated United Kingdom

Updated Nov 25:  video of the support group rally outside the prison.  In spite of the wet and cold weather, you can see that Tommy Robinson has a huge following of patriots.
More details here.  

If those "know-it-alls"  who scoffed at people who maintained that the United Kingdom was almost completely islamized still have doubts that that country is not on the  brink of no-return, then the fucking bastards deserve what they have coming to them.  However, I do feel intense sympathy for the helpless British patriots ... their government has shafted them mercilessly.

Tommy Robinson  (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) has been thrown in  prison, without proper cause, going on for over a month now.

The EDL isn't going away   .... they are the only straw on the cliff face holding up what's left of the non-Muslim UK.  If they go, as Cameron the Conservative???? wants them gone,  then it's truly and surely a quick "goodbye" to England and a long depressing "hello" to a Shariah-ed  and Islamized caliphate of  the Queen's land (is the royal family converted as yet?  No fear, won't be long now.)

Tommy Robinson wrote this from prison (transcribed by moi from his handwritten note):
Stephen Lennon  
Hi people ... thought I'd put pen to paper on a few issues. first of to say a thank you for all the support from out there, a thank you to any one who's donated money, my main worry in here has been knowing my wife and kids are ok, knowing they can pay the rent etc.  Also a thank you to anyone travelling to Wandsworth prison on the 24th.....

read the rest here.  

As I write this, the peaceful protest outside Tommy's prison  in UK's time zone must be either ongoing or has already taken place.

The imprisonment of  Tommy Robinson is a huge travesty of justice.... and happening right before our helpless eyes !!  If this is not a shariah-ed England, then I am the Queen of Sheba.


  1. Here's a link to news of the demo outside the prison.

  2. Thanks Simon. I will update with that info.


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