Sunday, November 25, 2012

Iran says "up yours" to the world

Let's not be disillusional enough to think that it's only Iran doing the dirty.  The executions, false arrests, imprisonment without trial, rape and torture are going on unabated in each and every Muslim country.  However, at this particular point in our planet's history, as we are focused on only Shiite misdeeds, then the obvious crook is of course Iran.  Our glorious press will let you be made aware of only the "atrocities" going on in Iran and Syria at the hands of the "regimes" there.  All other Muslim countries are as innocent as new born babes .... they are not "regimes".... and we dare not forget that unless we get fresh instructions to.

Hugh Tomlinson writing at TheTimesUK:

....Iran has increased   the number of public executions and amputations it carries out, taking advantage of the international focus on Gaza to reduce prison overcrowding and to issue a warning before elections in June.

At least 81 people have been hanged in the past ten days.....

Iran executes 10 men   despite international pleas.  A shop worker convicted of a drugs-related charge was among 10 men put to death in Iran on Monday morning, despite calls on the country’s authorities by Amnesty International, UN human rights experts and others to halt their executions.

Saeed Sedeghi was permitted a “final meeting” with his mother at Evin Prison on Sunday, when judicial officials announced that his death sentence would be carried out early on Monday....

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