Sunday, August 26, 2012

Look everybody... Tim Hudak is recovering from the laryngitis ...

which plagues  him every now and then.  This recovery might be short-lived.  You can expect this terrible malaise to hit him again come the next Ontario election for the premiership.

An Open Letter to the People of Ontario

Ontario can and will do better. We have tremendous strengths we can build on to reach our true potential. Like you, I want to see our province again become the kind of place that affords our children a bright future. The kind of place that first attracted my immigrant Slovak grandparents for its freedom and opportunity. 
But right now, we are headed in the wrong direction.

Nine years of reckless overspending have left us in a deep financial hole. Our credit rating has been downgraded, we've lost too many good-paying jobs, and Ontario has become a "have-not" province. 
Today we're saddled with a debt that is on course to tripling. The Liberal government's policies haven't helped Ontario. They're making things worse: Nearly 600,000 people woke up today with no job to go to. Taxes are higher, again. Energy has become unaffordable. Scandals at e-Health and the Ornge air ambulance have wasted billions. A $190 million bill to cancel the Mississauga gas plant, to save a Liberal seat, was handed to taxpayers.

And there's no plan to fix any of it.

The result of all this reckless spending is that the things we care about are now at risk - things like quality health care, excellence in education, and dependable roads, highways and bridges.

Ontario is at a tipping point. We need urgent action. The Ontario PC Party alone has a plan to swiftly deal with this government's reckless overspending and kick-start private sector job growth.

We are the only Party that can keep the Liberals from taking us further down the wrong path, with bold new ideas for balancing our budget, freezing public sector wages, reducing business taxes, making energy more affordable and creating more skilled trades jobs, to name just a few.

The McGuinty Liberals need to be sent a clear message: The people of Ontario say it's time to stop overspending and focus on job creation.

Thank you. 
Tim Hudak, MPP
Leader, the PC Party of Ontario

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