Sunday, August 26, 2012

United Church should do the right thing and throw out the usurpers

United Church, muster up the gumption to throw out those idiotic few who purport to be speaking for the entire congregation of the United Church.  Not doing that will paint the entire lot, the majority who don't agree with the few fools amongst you, as equally stupid.

The United Church in Canada is being looked on as a place where idiots gather only because of a few rotten apples within their ranks (5%) who are brain-dead but don't know it.  What the rest of the congregation should do is tell these numbskulls to leave the United Church and go join Hamas or better still, go join the Al Quds dumbos in Toronto.  They will be very welcomed within those equally "stinking to high Heaven" arms of the unclean.

Conflict between United Church and Israel.

more here.    

h/t: Pam

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