Sunday, August 26, 2012

Okay ... let's take a look at the NATO-created Utopia of Libya

As if  lessons from the recent Utopias created in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya were not enough, Utopias that have drenched  this good Earth of ours in goodwill and happiness to last several lifetimes,  we here in the West have now embarked on creating yet another one in Syria.  Earthmen are idiots.

UK loses foothold on the Libyan oil platform to guess who.  I hate it when my leftie friends are proven right.
....Libya is indeed once again pumping out 1.5m barrels a day of very high-quality crude, a small amount of which is no doubt coming to UK refineries, but neither BP nor Shell is playing any role in that output.
In fact it is American, Italian and even German companies that have been brought in by the new government in Tripoli to help it get back to business in double-quick time.
Libya has an estimated 47bn barrels of proven oil reserves and while that looks small compared with, say, Saudi Arabia's 265bn, it is a lot more than Britain can lay claim to (less than 3bn).
The light "sweet" crude from Libya is not only very high quality, it can also easily be extracted from shallow wells in desert areas at a cost that some put as low as $2 a barrel – not bad if you can sell for $114 on the global market.
Five years ago, BP finally signed a Libyan deal worth $900m – its first in the country since Gaddafi nationalised all petroleum operations and threw out western businesses in 1974.....

Shiites marginalized in the new NATO-created Wahhabi (read that as Saudi Arabia's new province) country.  Tombs, libraries, museums, mosques, religious places of Shiites destroyed. Today, the Interior Minister resigned due to the mayhem and destruction on anything Shiite.

 A statement from the Grand Mufti,   Sheikh Sadeq al-Ghariani, released by the Fatwa Office today, condemned the desecration of of graves and holy sites, which it described as “not religiously permissable” and “a violation of the sanctity of the dead”.
This comes against the backdrop of recent attacks on Sufi shrines, and continued attempts to demolish Tripoli’s Al-Sha’ab shrine, allegedly with the backing of the Ministry of the Interior.

....Islamists blew up     the tomb of a 15th century Sufi scholar and burned down a library in the Libyan city of Zlitan, a military official said on Saturday, the latest attacks on sites in the region branded idolatrous by some sects.

The attackers used bombs and a bulldozer to destroy a complex of shrines that included the tomb of Abdel Salam al-Asmar on Friday and ruined thousands of books at the Asmari Mosque library, said witnesses and Zlitan military council official Omar Ali.
Hardliners, many of them emboldened by the Arab Spring revolts, have targeted a number of sites belonging to Islam's mystical Sufi tradition in Libya, Egypt and Mali over the past year....

 Libya's interior minister   resigned on Sunday, officials said, after he was criticized for failing to halt a surge of attacks on Sufi Muslim shrines that have raised fears of the spread of sectarian violence following the fall of Muammar Gaddafi.
Attackers, described as ultra-conservative Islamists by some officials, bulldozed sites sacred to Sufi Muslims in the western city of Zlitan on Friday and the capital Tripoli on Saturday.
Libyan police surrounded the men as they leveled the large Sha'ab mosque in broad daylight the center of Tripoli, but did not move in to stop them, a Reuters reporter said.

Gadhafi might be sodomized and killed,  but his supporters have not forgotten the outrage their leader was subjected to.
An official from the country's  Supreme Security Committee, which has been supervising security matters since the Gaddafi regime was overthrown last year, said the 32 had been part of an organised network.
Previously, the Libyan Deputy Interior Minister Omar al-Khadrawi had blamed desperate remnants of supporters of the former oppressive regime as being behind Sunday’s two car explosions in Tripoli saying they will be brought to justice.
The 32 people were arrested after security forces raided several locations in and around Tripoli, tipped off by what a security official said were leads from "closed-circuit street cameras and intelligence."
The security official said that connections between the group and the attacks, near security and interior ministry facilities, "have been established".
Three car bombs exploded near interior ministry and security buildings in Tripoli on the eve of the anniversary of the fall of Tripoli to rebel fighters........

Tribal clashes are the order of the day.
 At least three people have been killed in clashes between rival tribes in northern Libya, security officials say.
A number of others were injured in the clashes in Zlitan, 145km (90 miles) south-east of the capital Tripoli.The clashes were sparked by a dispute between two families from the Haly and Fawatra tribes, Reuters reports.
Libya's new government has struggled to assert its authority across the vast country since last year's ouster of Col Muammar Gaddafi.
Libya remains awash with weapons left over from the uprising against the late strongman.

Crude oil exports from eastern Libya have been affected by tribal unrest, a Wintershall spokesman said 5 July (Platts).Libya’s Zuwayya tribe recently threatened to cut oil production from facilities located in their territory, which extends over the central and southeastern desert, bordered by Egypt and Chad.

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