Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Deadly attack in Bulgaria on bus with Israeli tourists

Twitter users are saying that the bus was full of teenage passengers and that there was  a suicide bomber on the idea if this is the truth or not.   This attack has resulted in 7 deaths and many wounded, however, attacks  on the Jewish people and their synagogues are going on constantly but of late they have been  picking up in intensity in many, many countries but because of the news blackout on the TRUTH we seldom hear of them.   It's time for the Jewish people to forget their Left and Right ideologies and stand as one. Your  enemies don't give a crap whether you are willing to suck up to them or not ... only your DNA matters.  Wise up.

....Several Israelis were killed and wounded on Wednesday in a terror attack on a tour bus in the Burgus airport in Bulgaria, local media reported.

An Israeli who witnessed the event said that one of the buses that carried Israelis across terminals in the airport blew up and went up in flames.

The Foreign Ministry confirmed that are several Israeli casualties in the explosion....

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