Wednesday, July 18, 2012

America taking care of Qatar ....

can't have anything happening to the Sunni propaganda machine known as Al Jazeera,  especially now at this point in time when it's needed the most.  America's dependence on oil has turned it into a willing slave of the oil producing Saudi Arabia and the Saudi puppets in the Middle East.  However, what I fail to understand is that it matters not whether a Republican or a Democrat is a resident of the WH,  each and every US President seem to be beholden to Saudi Arabia.   It's eerie and uncanny. 

The Pentagon is building a missile defense radar station at a covert location in Qatar, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

The site will be part of a system intended to defend the interests of the United States and its allies against Iranian rockets, unnamed US officials told the newspaper.

The Journal also reported that Washington was preparing for its biggest-ever minesweeping exercises in the Gulf in September, calling them the "first such multilateral drills in the region."

A similar radar has existed on Mount Keren in the Negev Desert since 2008 and another is installed in Turkey as part of NATO's missile defense shield.

In addition, officials told the Journal that US Central Command, which oversees US military operations in the Middle East and South Asia, wants to deploy the first Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile system in the area in the coming months, possibly in the United Arab Emirates.

Tensions with Iran -- which Western powers suspect of secretly striving to build nuclear weapons -- are rife in the Gulf region.........

via: Drudge

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