Thursday, July 19, 2012

America's homeland security does awesome work on their northern border....

as should be.  Canada is full of Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists, don't  you know.   All those stories you hear about headless torsos and illegals crossing from Mexico  into the USA with prayer mats and false documents.... are just that, stories.  No truth in any of those fairy tales. It's all fine and dandy on their southern border.  The one real troublesome area for the entire USA is our Canadian border, because you see, we have Kinder chocolate eggs here.  Plenty of them.  Yeah, better believe it.  Kinder eggs coming over from the northern border are banned in the USA.  Terrorists and illegals coming over from their southern  border are not.  

 ....Brandon Loo and Christopher Sweeney told KOMO they decided to bring home some treats for friends and family during a recent trip to Vancouver, British Columbia. They bought Kinder Eggs — chocolate eggs with a toy inside.

The two men say border guards searched their car and said the eggs are illegal in the United States because young children could choke on the small plastic toys.  Importing them can lead to a potentially hefty fine.
Sweeney says one border guard said they could be fined $2,500 per egg.  The pair said they could have faced a $15,000 fine.

Sweeney says the bust was a waste of his time and the agents' time. The men eventually got off with a warning.

Mike Milne with U.S. Customs and Border Protection told a Canadian paper that officers do not usually fine travelers for carrying the chocolates, but they do normally confiscate them. Roughly 60,000 Kinder eggs were seized last year.....

via: Drudge

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