Sunday, June 24, 2012

On Islam, Viruses, Bacteria and killer Mutations

The link towards bottom of this post shows how Islam spread from Mecca starting  in 625 AD and encompassed the entire region by 733 AD.  Worth checking it if only to understand how something deadly can take over entire regions of advanced learning and culture.  It's really worth your time to read the entire  article.  Amil Imani  knows what he's talking about.

Amil Imani writing at AmericanThinker:
...Trauma, viruses, or bacteria cause the death of a biological entity.  Viruses and bacteria are major killers of human beings and present great challenges to medicine.  They can be deadly and have the uncanny ability to mutate.  Yet they are there for their mission of ending life.

Life exists due to balance: body and soul, good and evil, and life and death.  This holds true even to the lesser foundations of our lives, and how we spend our time.  The small, seemingly trivial ripples that we create each day eventually build into a wave -- the wave of mankind.  The moment a new entity is formed, an array of forces work to end it.  Death, in effect, is pre-birth.  Without death, everything freezes in place.  Death often provides the raw material for the new birth.  The death and decay of a tree, for instance, supplies the needed nutrients for the seed to grow; the Newtonian physics' obsolescence provided the foundation for Einstein's relativity theory....

....Poorly understood and little-appreciated are psychosocial viruses -- PSVs.....

...In the case of Islam, a special group of PSVs set out to work the minute Muhammad launched his faith, and mutation rapidly followed...

...The PSV of the time of Muhammad continued to mutate as it reached other peoples and other lands.  Each people's own ideas and beliefs -- their cognitive immune system -- responded differently to the invader.....

...Islam of today is composed of a dozen major sects and hundreds of sub-sects and schools.  Just two examples should demonstrate the fact that Muhammad's Islam has decomposed. 
One branch of Sunni Islam, the Wahhabi, has interbred with the Pashtun culture of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the result has been the Taliban version of Islam: a most reactionary, repressive, and savage "religion." 

On the Shiite side, for example, there is a sect of the Ghulat Alavi that holds only to one of the five pillars of Islam: the Shehadah, an Islamic credo that says, "I testify that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger."  This sect does not subscribe to the remaining four pillars of praying five times a day, fasting one month a year, pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime, and paying the religious tax of zakat.  The Alavi women are allowed participation in all religious events and are not required to don the hijab -- a stark contrast to the Taliban, who deny even rudimentary education to women and forbid them from leaving home without the accompaniment of a male relative.....

....None of the numerous contending Islamic sects is indeed the Islam Muhammad launched. That original Islam died with Muhammad, and the belief immediately started splintering and kept on splintering, with each splinter claiming to be the true Islam and renouncing and fighting every other splinter.  This time around, the invigorated Muslims are using the immense amount of petrodollars they extract from oil-addicted non-Muslims.  The sword is temporarily replaced by just as deadly a weapon, the petrodollar.  Before long, the fanatical Muslims running Iran aim to add a more deadly modern version of the sword: the Islamic bomb.  With the bomb in one hand and the other hand on the oil spigot, the religion of peace and brotherhood will have the power to bring the non-Muslim world to its knees.

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