Sunday, June 24, 2012

Muslims want to Islamize America while the Americans slumber in dhimmiland

What does it take to make a nation sit up and take notice of what's happening in their land?  You would have thought that the events of 9/11 would wake up even the deadest of pacifists.  But for a few thousand die-hard anti-Jihad activists, the rest of America, especially the politicians occupying those comfy looking chairs in the GOP are stupidly unaware or pretending to be unaware of the steady inroads that Islamic groups are making in the country.  So many cities are already so Muslim-heavy that within a few short years these cities will be no-go zones for non-Muslims... just like the no-go zones in Muslim dominated areas of Sweden.

Extremely sad state of affairs. Good people never want to believe that bad things can happen to them ... because they are so good, they haven't harmed anybody so why would anybody want to harm them.  Sheeple living in dhimmihood of their own making.

Tufail Ahmad writing at RightSideNews dated June 18 has a detailed and well documented article:
Hizb Al-Tahrir America, held a Conference In Illinois today, titled Revolution: Liberation by Revelation, Muslims Marching to Victory. 
This group, Advocates Jihad, Says Iran And Saudi Arabia Are 'Modern Non-Expansionist Nation States' And Have Thus Abandoned 'The Definitive [Islamic] Obligation Of Jihad' As Stipulated In The Koran.

Hizb Al-Tahrir America is a branch of Hizb Al-Tahrir Al-Islami, an international Islamist group that advocates the message of jihad in order to re-establish a Khilafah Rashida (a righteous caliphate). It has scheduled a June 17, 2012 conference in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, raising concerns about its ideological campaign in the U.S., especially among American Muslims.[1]

Hizb Al-Tahrir advocates radical political change and officially acknowledges that it is an Islamist party. In a statement dated May 31, 2012 about its Tunisia branch, it described itself as "a legally unrecognized Islamist party in Tunisia."[2] The views espoused by Hizb Al-Tahrir regarding non-Muslims and secular Muslims are no different from those advocated by Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and other Islamist organizations across the world.

On May 27, 2012, Hizb Al-Tahrir America noted in its announcement of the June 17 Illinois conference: "With the blessings of Allah (swt) Hizb ut-Tahrir America will inshaAllah [Allah Willing] be hosting a Khilafah Conference, entitled 'Revolution: Liberation by Revelation – Muslims Marching Toward Victory' on Sunday, June 17th 2012."[3] Although the conference is expected to focus heavily on events in Syria, it is also expected to discuss the question of what forms of government are desirable for Muslims: Islamic state, secular state, or democracy. Details of the day-long conference – date, venue and subjects to be discussed – are outlined on its website:[4]

The conference announcement attracted attention in the U.S. media. As a result, Hizb Al-Tahrir America announced that the venue would be moved elsewhere in the "Chicagoland area" but that the date and time would remain the same. It added: "Other details concerning the circumstances leading to the change in venue will be updated at a later date."[5].......

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