Saturday, June 23, 2012

Murderous Muslims make good use of bombs and coffins

Ahh ... nice to see Pakistan picking it up a notch in the 5-day killing spree from June 16 - 20. They are inching towards the civil war which is written in the cards.
Nigeria's Muslims  killed 90+ Christians and wounded countless others.
Iraq's civil war claimed 65+ Shiites and Sunnis and countless wounded.
As in all civil wars, it's tough to keep an accurate body count on  the deaths in places like Syria and Yemen.  Some reports filter out days after the atrocities.

2012.06.20 Afghanistan Khost Mostly civilians are victimized by a Fedayeen suicide blast that leaves at least twenty-one dead.
2012.06.20 Pakistan Karachi A Shiite prayer leader is shot to death by Sunni rivals.
2012.06.20 Afghanistan Logar Four children and two women are among eight innocents torn apart by a Religion of Peace bomb.
2012.06.19 Nigeria Damaturu At least forty people lose their lives to coordinated attacks by Boko Haram Islamists.
2012.06.19 Myanmar Yathedaung Muslims attack and kill three Buddhist villagers.
2012.06.18 Somalia Mogadishu Children are egregiously injured by a bomb planted by suspected al-Shabaab.
2012.06.18 Iraq Ramadi The lives of four civilians at a coffee shop are snuffed out by Jihadi bombers.
2012.06.18 Afghanistan Musa Qala Women and children are torn to shreds by a roadside bomb planted by Islamic hardliners.
2012.06.18 Iraq Baqubah A Sunni detonates himself inside a tent packed with Shia funeral mourners, killing at least twenty-two.
2012.06.18 Afghanistan Tagab At least six locals are exterminated when religious extremists detonate a bomb at a bazaar.
2012.06.18 Pakistan Quetta  Five Shiite students are blown to bits by Taliban bombers.
2012.06.17 Nigeria Trikania A Shahid suicide car bomber crashes through a church gate and blows up at least five Christians.
2012.06.17 Iraq Fallujah Two children are among six slain by Jihadi bombers.
2012.06.17 Nigeria Zaria Holy Warriors walk into two church services and detonate, leaving over thirty worshipers dead in the carnage, including at least ten children.
2012.06.17 Iraq Mosul Four local police are torn to shreds by Mujahdi bombers.
2012.06.17 Afghanistan Kandahar A NATO soldier is shot in the back by three Taliban in police uniform.
2012.06.16 Pakistan Landi Kotal Sharia advocates detonate a truck bomb amid a crowd at a market, sending over twenty-six souls to Allah.
2012.06.16 Iraq Baghdad A Mujahideen bomb targeting rescue personnel assisting survivors of an earlier blast ends the lives of at least eighteen more innocents.
2012.06.16 Thailand Yala Muslim terrorists ambush and kill three local soldiers.
2012.06.16 Somalia Afgoye A Shahid suicide bomber takes out two Somalis.
2012.06.16 Pakistan Kohat Sunni bombers send six souls to Allah.
2012.06.16 Iraq Baghdad A bomb targeting Shiite pilgrims leaves fourteen dead.
2012.06.16 Pakistan Quetta Two children are killed during a rampage by a mob angered over an alleged Quran desecration by a mentally ill man.

via:   TROP

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