Sunday, June 24, 2012

Turkey is drooling for a big bite of Syria

According to Dr.Pipes there is a very real possibility that Turkey might invoke Article 5 of the NATO agreement.  I sincerely hope that if that happens, Canada stays completely out from getting sucked into that NATO blackhole yet again .... if not, I predict the Conservative govt will be totally defeated in the next election.  Canadians have had it with Muslims and their blasted kill, kill, kill.  If Harper takes us to war in yet another Muslim country .... then goodbye Harper and a long goodbye to all the CINOS.  

Dr.Daniel Pipes writing at NationalReview
There appears to be agreement on the basic facts: a Turkish F-4 violated Syrian airspace and the Syrian military shot it down over its territorial waters. Further, there is no dispute that the AKP-led Turkish government has for months offered sanctuary and armed the Syrian opposition forces in what amounts to a civil war in Syria between a hideous, brutal tyranny and an increasingly Islamist opposition. The Turkish leadership, even while accepting that its plane violated Syrian airspace, is growling about retaliation.  The Syrian government has done its best to tamp down Turkish anger....

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