Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Islamized Britain thinks new breed of homegrown Muslim terrorists will attack it ... DUH !!!

Can the Brits get any more ridiculous?  Yes, they can.  They have let  Muslim immigrants enter the country in such great numbers that  their cities now  look like the bazaars of Pakistan and the fish markets of  the Middle East and yet they think they still have control over the land?  Yet they think they will be able to deflect  a terrorist attack(s) or  Muslim revolutionaries bent on taking over the UK once and for all?  That's the "mightier than thou" attitude of the Brits that make many of them think they are still in full control of the situation, whatever the situation may be.  What a laugh !!  A whole lot was revealed by the Intel chief ... go read the whole thing.

The Arab Spring has spawned a new generation of British-born terrorists after al-Qaeda lured dozens of would-be bombers abroad to train for possible attacks on the UK, the head of MI5 warned.

Jonathan Evans said the terror network has taken advantage of the unstable region, in the wake of last year’s revolutions, to spread its influence and create new bases for attacks.
British would-be jihadis are known to be receiving training in the likes of Libya and Egypt, mirroring what has already happened in the Yemen and Somalia.

And they could return to attack the UK in what is a “new and worrying development”, he said...........
... Revealed that the intelligence services and police are preparing for a potential threat from extremists and even lone wolf terrorists should the Eurozone collapse.

Warned State-sponsored and criminal cyber attacks risked “real world damage” including one British company which has suffered estimated losses of £800m after being hacked...............

Most amazing of all is his statement that:
 it would be “extraordinary and self-defeating” if the Government’s proposed new email and phone snooping powers did not go ahead.
This is how the State takes away our individual freedoms.. centimetre by centimetre, inch by inch until we get so immune to the assaults on our freedom that we just take whatever the State does as something done for our own good.

And, he also said:
“In back rooms and in cars and on the streets of this country there is no shortage of individuals talking about wanting to mount terrorist attacks here,” he said.“We see them regularly in our intelligence investigations. And others in various parts of the world have the same ambitions.”...

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