Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Examples of how the Left ridicules people who are against Agenda 21

The Left are blessed with superior knowledge, didn't you know?  The rest of us are circus clowns.
The writer of the article in TheEconomist is such a fucking coward, he/she  has given just the initials of his/her name.  J.F. ... what are you afraid of moron?

...And a former candidate for governor  now running for commissioner of Cobb County, just north of Atlanta, condemned plans to build a jogging and biking trail alongside a highway because, "That's Agenda 21. Bicycles and pedestrian traffic as an alternative form of transportation to the automobile." Hear that, hippies? Every time you walk or bike somewhere instead of driving your car, U Thant wins.....

...are Atlanta's Democratic mayor, Kasim Reed, and Republican attorney-general, Sam Olens, both agents of the United Nations determined to advance the cause of one-world government and outlaw private property? Before you laugh (well, okay, after you finish laughing), this is not a joke. Such concerns come not from the LaRouchey fringe, but from mainstream Georgia Republicans....

And, Jim Galloway of AJC
....The tax and the people behind  it are part of a United Nations plot called Agenda 21.

Laugh if you like. The topic is now center stage in Cobb County, as part of the debate over the penny sales tax, and the contest for chairman of the county commission as well.

Those who aren’t hardcore GOP will need a bit of background. Agenda 21 is also known as the “Rio Declaration on Environment and Development,” and was adopted in 1992 at a conference in Brazil.
In most languages, the report is a vacuous U.N. document that declares the need for a “sustainable” world environment. But to a certain segment of those who speak Republican, it is a secret declaration of war....

I have posted the vid below because Edward Griffin tells us how the US government officers are members of the Council for Foreign  Relations (CFR) and these members are working hard for a one world govt.  It's not a conspiracy theory.  If you like the idea of OWG ... okay, fine...be happy.   But, it's not fine to ridicule people who are against Agenda 21.

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