Tuesday, June 26, 2012

More evidence that Islam has made major inroads into the USA

How could this happen and so soon ??    Thank the good Lord that there are patriots who are fighting this evil but the patriotic  army is not big enough and neither is it very effective because the corruption at the core of the government itself is facilitating the invaders and suppressing those who would throw light on this major disaster already half-way to fruition. 

...June 21, 2012 Fairfax County, Virginia  – The head of the Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force (VAST) called on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to reject any attempt at continuing the lease of the Islamic Saudi Academy building after it expires in July.

VAST Chairman James Lafferty said the Islamic Saudi Academy continues to be “an incubator for a new generation of domestic terrorists” and the Saudi government which leases and operates the school has shown “no interest in cleaning up the pro-violence, anti-American, anti-Semitic and anti-Christian teaching and textbooks.”

“Rumors are rampant that the Saudis will move the ISA to the Fairfax Station site or to the new enclave site in Merrifield,” said Lafferty.“But this could be just another smoke-screen.”
“The one thing which has changed is that Fairfax County citizens are now better-informed and more vigilant. We know which politicians are taking money from which radical groups and we have proven that we are not going away.”......

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