Monday, March 29, 2010

The forgetfulness of the Lefty media

With the media harping over the tea party crowd being hate-filled protestors,etc. BigJournalism thought it would be nice to remind people what the unhinged lefties were doing when George Bush was the Prez. All those hate-filled anti-war rallies  have now all completely disappeared  with a wave of Obama;s wand.  The war has not gone away so where are the anti-war rallies?  That is the question.   Hyprocrisy thy name is Lefty.

......A year ago, the good folks at zomlog assembled a great series of photos showing the mental derangement exhibited by the human detritus at those once ubiquitous anti-war rallies that the distempered left hosted so often between the years 2003 and 2009… you know, those anti-war rallies that totally disappeared after Obama took office even as the wars rage on? Yeah, those anti-war rallies......


  1. The MSM will always portray the left-wing fruit loops in the best possible light. After all, wouldn't you cover up for someone who is your soul mate?

  2. Very sad to see the rent a war rallies disappear.They were fun to watch, were they not.There were a few very good actors (you know the ones who broke windows) and the great graphics on the signs.Boy were gonna miss them.Oh well we still have GW.

  3. bertie - did you catch that pic where the pastry shop was offering free donuts or cupcakes to anyone who would come into the shop and say something horrid about Bush?
    That really takes the cake (pun intended).


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