Monday, March 29, 2010

Canadians have had it with Unions

Enough is enough. Every which way you turn there is some Union or the other whining about their unionized members being either laid off or not getting enough. Have these people ever done a survey of how little workers outside the Unions are making but still  making a good living with nary a whine from them ?

The Harper government's decision to close down the HRC offices in Toronto, Vancouver and Halifax have got the Union guys over at the PSAC jumping around frothing at the mouth. Maybe it's just an act they are putting on because according to this
Despite the looming office closures the CHRC’s budget is expected to grow from $21.5 million in the current fiscal year to just under $23 million in 2011-2012 fiscal year. The number of employees is set to rise as well from 197 full-time equivalencies to 203
Now that is funny, right? What can one make of such anomaly? The Harper government would do well to listen to the views below which views are in sync with the majority of Canadians. These comments are from the first link above.

PSAC, like CUPE and the teachers' thugs are nothing but a scourge to the taxpayers and law abiding citizens. We have all had enough of their greedy, selfish tactics. I can only pray to God that Toronto's mayoralty candidates who are not in their back pocket and really want to win will declare war on these vermin, and destroy the sickening grip of our thorats they currently enjoy. To the politicians I say; Declare war on these enemies of the people, and you will surely win in your next run at the ballot, any ballot. It is time to destroy these unions! Let's fight the good fight, people! Comment by: Frank G.

March 29th 2010, 12:20pm HRC's are a joke in every way. Canadian law has always contained a component of human rights, except these rights are not dictated by the un-democratic UN, but are naturally contained in our law based on equality for everyone, no special rights for anyone.

Going outside our own laws, via the UN, has created a special breed of rights for special interests groups which in itself, discriminate against others. How is that fair? How is that equal? The sp. interests believe with special rights, they are now equal when in reality, they have attained a level of rights over and above the masses. This isn't a Cdn value at all. No one should be treated any different from the other, meaning, no sp. rights for some and limited rights for others. Comment by: Stephen in SC

Everytime i read an article its the union, the union. The union did its job for the past 50 plus years and now they want to run everything, corporations and even the government. They are getting too powerful and that is why we are losing a lot of maufacturing jobs in this country as they are leaving to the US or of shore. Maybe the union can unionize the welfare as that is all we are going to have left. There is enough laws and gov agencys to protect workers rights and the doggers who do nothing but complain to try and get out of work( these are the ones the union is there for, the 5%) I hope someday this country will wake up before it ends up the way Ont is right now, from a have prov to a have not pro with our hand out looking for charity. Comment by: mark

h/t: mooseandsquirrel blog and Blazing Cat Fur blog


  1. I don't care how many offices Harper closes, until he gets rid of this eyesore, the CHRC, sec 13 and fires the Lynch mob he will never get my vote again. Increasing it just makes it worse and is what make Harper just another liberal in blue hypocrite, a man who before becoming PM said HRCs were dangerous.

  2. One supposes that those unions have to fill their coffers somehow. Even the scaling-back of as out-of-control an institution as the Human Rights Commission is too much for them.

  3. You can add the Alberta Teachers Association to the list of useless monoliths. I'm sure my ears would bleed if I added up all the money I've been forced to pay to them over the past year. Their communication to members is horrid and whenever I've tried contacting them about something I never hear back from them. It really is quite pathetic.


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