Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Too much religion rots the brain" ....

that's what my dad used to say to my mom and my paternal gran, both religious nuts, who were always in the habit of reading religious books and saying their daily prayers out loud... hour after hour after hour. My dad and I and my other siblings would keep away from their prayer sessions and make all sort of jokes about the tales my gran often told about how we would burn in hell  if we don't repent and of course moi being the most vocal against such rubbish, was alway a target for explicit description of what happens in hell to people like me. You don't want to hear the nasty things I would fling back at the old crone, but they must have been funny because my dad and siblings always went into stitches laughing aloud and my mom would struggle to keep a stern, unsmiling face.

Too much religion can really do awful things to our brains, it makes us mentally sick. It's all fine and dandy to base one's life on the good parts of the teachings from the New Testament and have Jesus Christ as a role model, but to actually believe that there will be an anti-Christ amongst us and we need to prepare to do battle with him or her?!  Boy oh boy.   The FBI raided a number of locations and arrested members of a religious group who:
A source close to the investigation in Washington, D.C. told the Detroit News that FBI agents were conducting activities in connection to Hutaree, a Christian militia group whose members describe themselves as Christian soldiers preparing for the arrival and battle with the anti-Christ.


  1. Half your family openly mocked the other half, your father disrespected and ridiculed your mamma like that. encouraged you and your sib to do the same, yet he and she were still able to go to bed at night and screw each other like they did verbally during the day? How frickin delightful.

  2. And your comment was frickin delightful too.

  3. My apologies for being rude. Parents are never perfect, we don't get to pick them and we tend to love them regardless of how imperfect they really are.

  4. Grey Lady - accepted.
    Maybe I gave the wrong impression ... I just wanted to show that some members of my family were extremely religious and some were like me, luke warm at the best of times .... at no time did I think I was showing that I did not love my entire family whether they were fervent Catholics or not.

  5. There is no middle ground in religion, you either are, or are not. You can not pick and choose which parts to accept and which you wish to discount, and still call yourself religious.

  6. Meh...you probably did just fine, may be I need a good seaweed wrap and a hot stone massage to get the internet's "toxins" out? Well that or a pint of triple chocolate Haagen daz.

  7. Grey Lady ... the Haagen daz would do it for me. Now onwards to the fridge I march.


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