Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Aesop's tale with a twist for modern times

Once upon a time, there was a happy-go-lucky grasshopper who lived only to have fun. All through the long summer days, he would sing and dance, and laugh at the industrious ants who were busily preparing for winter...... read on


  1. Interesting story, as an ant hive can be compared quite closely to communism, a selfless collective where each drone does what's best for the hive. I think Karl Marx may have even developed some of his theories while burning ant hills with a magnifying glass as a youth.

  2. PS: My defense of Sarah Palin was linked on the Huffington Post and palintv.com. I had my best day for page views since I pissed off the CAPP people. What may have been lost in our little dispute is that while I may not support her as President, I do like her as a person.


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