Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In the blogging world when you get under someone's skin .....

you know you have arrived.  In the case of this nut the "under the skin" ailment is heading towards some serious skin disease. Think leprosy. Leprosy ... Ohhhhh ... heavens .... No No... not to a nice individual like .Robert Day. Now, why do I sort of remember writing something about leprosy at my blog some time ago?  Okay... not important... will come to me later, or I will just do a search on "lepers" at my blog or something like that.

Right now, we are talking about that shining example of a Canadian Leftist who has vagina so much on his mind that he invents new words for that part of the female anatomy. Read some of the extracts from his raging post today and let's see how many you catch. It's sort of a game. Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your typical Canadian Lefty. Some of the lefty bloggers try to disguise their contempt and hatred of the Conservatives in other milder way, but in a moment of  indiscreetness, and there are many of those moments with these nuts, the vileness spews out and spews out and spews out for all to see.

In order to get the whole picture, you will first have to read my blog post and it will be easier to understand why the Left hates it when their dirty laundry is exposed to the light of  Day (pun intended).  Then you may either just glance through the stuff below and play the game of "find derogatory names by left bloggers for a woman's vagina" or if you have the time go directly to the nut's blog.

A couple of things to note: According to this lefty blogger there were only two conservative bloggers who wrote about the horrible massacre in Nigeria, not so. Here is one more. So now that we have more than 2 bloggers who wrote about the massacre in Nigeria, you can tell the nut that he is full of shit like he wants you to. It really does not matter how many times this lefty foul-mouthed blogger has been proven wrong by other bloggers, he just keeps on shovelling more shit and more shit onto his blog on a daily basis. How this nut and his fellow bloggers wade through all that shit and still carry on a presumably normal life is anyone's guess.

Not that it matters that one or more wrote about the plight of Christians in Nigeria.... the fact of the matter is that Conservative bloggers WROTE about it , and here I am talking only about those on the Blogging Tories board; whereas the Liberals and NDP bloggers were dancing on hot coals over the supposedly ill-treatment of Afghan detainees, crying over the Gitmo detainee Kadr, poking fun at Sarah Palin, criticizing every move of PM Harper and nothing else, nada, nil, zilch, zero, naught.

Now for your reading disgust,  Voila ... I give you some snippets from the nut's post to show you the magnificence and the beauty of  the Canadian left.   Enjoy.

In deference to my more civilized co-bloggers, I will refrain from describing Blogging Tory Maria "Dodo Can Spell" Nunes as one of the most hideous, vile, useless c**ts on the planet. But she is. I give you Exhibit A:

Out of curiosity, shortly after that was posted, your humble scribe (that would be me) hied myself hence to Stephen Taylor's "Blogging Tories" to catalogue the Nigerian-flavoured outrage, whereupon I found ... two bloggers who had written on the topic. Two. Maria, of course, and one Craig Smith. No others. None. Nada. Squat. Zippo.

One would think that Maria would have the sense God gave a urinal deodorizer disc to shut the fuck up and not embarrass herself thusly, but she has never had an abundance of sense. In any event, against all better judgment, some commenters show up to explain Maria's stupidity:

I have done exactly that. I have scanned the pages at the Blogging Tories over the last three days, and have uncovered precisely three posts on the topic -- two by that vapid airhead Maria, and one by Craig Smith. There are no others. See for yourself. Start on that main page and scan for the keyword "Nigeria." Move on to older pages. Keep track of the hits. Tell me I'm wrong. So Maria is, unsurprisingly, full of shit. But you won't believe what she does next. Seriously, you will not believe this:

I am seriously still trying to come to terms with someone that awesomely retarded. If you come upon me with my head on the desk, weeping quietly, you'll know why.

AFTERSNARK: It's amusing to watch Maria completely contradict herself in the space of 20 minutes. At 4:46 PM, she challenges Mr. Betts to do a more methodical search of the BT aggregator, obviously implying that he wasn't very thorough and will find more evidence if only he puts his mind to it.

Curiously, shortly thereafter at 5:05 PM, Maria changes direction entirely and explains why any further search would naturally be futile since BTs work very hard at avoiding redundancy.

Does Stephen Taylor deliberately look for the stupidest people in Canada for his Blogging Tories, or is he just on a massive run of bad luck?

AND NOW, WE WAIT ... Yes, yes, it's cruel to pick on Maria since she's easily one of the stupidest and most malignant human beings in history, but given how eye-rollingly hypocritical she's being in that particular post, it will be interesting to see if a single member of her BT circle jerk points out her awkward double standard.

No, seriously, will even one of her adoring groupies have the decency to comment along the lines of, "Uh, Maria ... you're really being a bit inconsistent there."


  1. As one of your "adoring groupies" I think that you pay too much attention to Jerry Springer and the birds of that feather. He's a clown and his opinion should not elicit an emotional response.

  2. Hm, I didn't know your name is Maria,or that you have groupies. But then I only visit this site occasionally.

    The vile invective hurled at you by the Canadian Cynic is exactly what gives the blogs such a bad reputation,especially to the MSM.

    Anyone can,at any time, become outraged by unfair or wrong statements made about them by someone else. Mature,thoughtful,intelligent people, step back, take a deep breath, and THINK about what they're going to say in reply, or whether to reply at all.

    Childish ,emotional people react like the gentleman at CC, and thereby destroy their own credibility,at least to anyone over the age of twelve.


  3. It's your blog you can write what you like, I just happen to agree with you. The numbers don't really matter, the fact is you didn't get the sort of moral outrage from the left that you would have got if it was Muslims being slaughtered by Christains. I'm just say'in.

  4. Well, of course Robbie Day doesn't care about Nigerian Christians being killed. He thinks that all Christians do is molest children and kill abortion providers.

    (And does anyone else think it funny that he seems to think he can suggest that other people are pedophiles to his heart's content, but as soon as someone ribs him with the same tune he runs out to hire Lionel Hutz?)


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