Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Canadian Liberals and NDP bloggers do not care about Nigerians hacked to death

You don't believe me? Go check their aggregates: Liblogs     Progressive bloggers      breadnroses   

As  at 12:15 PM, March 9, I could find nothing but blogs about Afghan detainees, Kadr and as usual brainless ones about  Palin. The difference between the Conservative bloggers and all these others should be is as clear as a summer's day.  Conservatives care about all human beings. The others care only about winning elections and NOTHING else, absolutely nothing else.  How can these people live with themselves?

No matter what the muslims do, even if a muslim were to chop off their mothers' heads, they would remain "mum" about that too.  You have to wonder:  Is it fear of  muslims or are these people after the muslim vote no matter what.

Compare their silence to  the bloggers on  the Conservative aggregate, where several bloggers  showed how much the massacre in Nigeria has affected them.

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you had any doubt about the lowliness of the opposition parties, lay them to rest forever. These are the kind of people who pass themselves off as progressives and lovers of all races and all cultures.

Now, does it look like that's what they stand for?  Really, does it?


  1. It's because the victims were Christians that's why. It's all fair game when it comes to butchering Christians.

  2. Um, I looked and saw only one single post on the Blogging Tories aggregator about the massacre.

    Does that mean, aside from Craig Smith, that Conservative bloggers don't care about Nigerians hacked to death? Does that mean that conservatives don't care about all human beings? Does that mean that conservatives only care about winning elections and NOTHING else, absolutely nothing else.

    How can these conservatives live with themselves? I am sure you are asking that because otherwise you would be a complete hypocrite.

  3. Dodo doesn't care about slaughtered Nigerian Muslims.
    You don't believe me? Just look at her blog.
    No matter what the Christians do, even if a Christians were to chop off their mothers' heads, Dodo would remain "mum" about that too. You have to wonder: Is it fear of Christians or are these people after the Christian vote no matter what.
    Ladies and Gentlemen, if you had any doubt about the lowliness of the Dodo, lay them to rest forever.

  4. Ted Betts - oh really?! Only Craig Smith? Maybe you need to keep an appointment with your optometrist .... time to change that prescription on those glasses.

    Look again buster and do a proper search of all the pages.

  5. Ladies and Gentleman ... wanna see how an apologist talks and behaves .... I give you Lenny in the comments above.

    Lenny has linked to an article of violence between Muslims and Christians where at "long last" some brave Christians in Nigeria could no longer take the beheadings and killing of Christians that has been going on for several months and went on a killing spree themselves.

    Yes... see how quickly Lenny has come with a link to show us that Christians are the killers of Muslims.

    Bravo Lenny Bravo

    Now crawl off to the stinking hole you crawled out of. You are stinking up the place.

  6. And one more bit of info for you two morons, Lenny and Ted Betts:

    When we the Conservative bloggers see that one or more of our fellow bloggers have spoken on a certain topic, we turn to other things to write about instead of clogging the BT board with the same story.

    Was that easy to understand or should I spell it out further for you numbskulls ?

  7. Shorter Maria, "It's OK to slaughter people if they're Muslims"

    BTW, I'm not an "apologist" for anyone. But you just clearly became one for Christians who murder Muslims.

  8. Shortest Lenny .. you are clearly an apologist and trying to behave like a kid in a sandbox by saying I am one for Christians, just proves without a doubt that you are.

  9. Maria: The first rule of holes. When you are in one, stop digging.

  10. Southern Quebec - if that the reason why yours looks like a pothole? You know when to call it quits, or don't you.

    What makes you think I am in a hole is a thing to wonder about. Disillusioned as always.

    Sad that the maternity nurse dropped you on your head within hours of your birth. So sad.

  11. It never ceases to amaze me how Robbie Day thinks it's some kind of accomplishment to unleash his lunatics on a blog post.

    Isn't it Robbie Day himself who insists that Blogging Tories don't care about a particular topic if they haven't blogged about it?

    (Trick question -- it is indeed.)

    So, if one were to accept that particular premise -- one doesn't, but if one did -- then Maria would be entirely right.

    So I imagine that Teddy and So Que will be running off to call Robbie Day on his own illogical lunacy?

    No? Huh. Oddly enough, I didn't think so.

  12. Shorter CC:"Ya, I do the same thing, only it is different when I do it."

    This is just CC and his moonbats, nothing more. Fly away little moonbats, shooo, shooo.

  13. Well, of course it's different when he does the same thing!

    If he were to pretend otherwise, it's almost like he'd have to admit that he's a blithering fucking idiot.


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