Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yet another example of Leftist hypocrisy....a disease that plagues the Left endlessly

In 2001, when Republicans were in power, the loud-mouth hypcritical  hussy Maureen Dowd, wrote in the mouth-piece of the Left, the rapidly sliding downhill  NY Times:
Even as the White House preaches tolerance toward Muslims and Sikhs, it is practicing intolerance, signaling that anyone who challenges the leaders of an embattled America is cynical, political and—isn’t this the subtext?—unpatriotic… We should dread a climate where the jobs of columnists and comedians are endangered by dissent.—
Now, we have this:
Whether it’s FOX News or Rush Limbaugh or CNBC—the Obama Administration has openly and shamelessly targeted dissenting media figures. And even told the press how they were going to do it. And naturally the same defenders of the press who furrowed their brows when Ari Fleischer suggested that maybe an obnoxious comedian should think twice before calling the 9/11 terrorists courageous and the US Air Force cowardly… are cheering the media crackdown on.

Daniel Greenfield of sultanknish blog on the hypocrisy of the media

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