Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The never-ending hypocrisy of the Left

The Left are so full of hatred toward George Bush that even after the man is no longer a resident of the WH they continue to make death threats and even threaten to blow up a statue of him.

And, the anti-Bush rallies were rife with posters calling for the death of Bush in no uncertain terms.

And then, we have these "twisted thongs snapped from the nether regions and now residing in the cranial nook" bloggers who make a big boohoooooo empty noises about Obama getting death threats.

Death threats to George Bush and ridicule of everything he did was a constant occurrence, and hardly anybody made much of it. Threats, ridicule and criticism should be taken as being a part and parcel of anybody who happens to be a public figure. If they cannot handle it, too bad.

However, it is not surprising that the Left, being the natural cry babies that they are, whine and boohoo, waaaah, waaah waaaah about it 24/7. They might be 60+ years old but their thinking capacity remains perpetually at the level of a 2 year old brat, a cranky one at that.

When the Left makes threats, those are not threats, silly. They are just availing of their political free speech. That political free speech thingy is the proprietorial birthright of the Left and the Left alone. Everybody else, vamoose, off with your heads.

Just when you think you have got used to the hypocrisy oozing out from the Leftosphere, they bring out yet another truckload of it.

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