Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yet another lefty blogger tries to ridicule Sarah Palin

It is truly amazing what pettiness one can find if you hold your nose and make yourself take a quick trip to the stinking levels where many of the lefty bloggers make their dwelling.

This one has linked to a resume of Sarah Palin's and the blogger seems to be damned sure that the resume was linked by Palin herself. The blogger and his fellow travellers are dancing around and one can even imagine them clapping in glee that Palin has now fallen on hard times and is out there looking for a job. Being lefties, and lovers of brown envelops,  I am sort of  blown away that they have knowledge of  websites where you can post your resumes IF you want to work for a living.

Maybe, Palin has linked her resume to prove that she HAS a resume, a resume that is sadly missing for the Prez of the USA. But, do the lefty bloggers stop to think that perhaps IF Palin has indeed linked her resume, she is being ambiguous and her intent might have a double-edge and ever so snidely she might be saying "See, here is my resume for the world to see as I have nothing to hide. Oh, BTW, have you seen your President's resume ?"
In a coming-out speech interrupted time and again by cheering, placard-waving Republican delegates, Palin mixed ridicule and venom in portraying Obama as an elitist who has accomplished nothing and is more interested in promoting himself than his country.
She presented her own, sanitized resumé, telling the country she had risen from self-described hockey mom, to PTA member, to small town mayor to state governor.
"I guess a small town mayor is sort of like a `community organizer,'" she said in a reference to Obama's early experience in Chicago, "except that you have actual responsibilities."
Sometimes, when you feel a little lethargic, take a stroll on the other side and read the madness put forth by the lefties. It will wake you up with a start and you will wonder who let these loopy folks out of the madhouse. Your pulse will shoot up and then.... goodbye lethargy.


  1. I’m never THAT lethargic. Although maybe if I need and can’t find ipecac syrup...

    Btw, I recently went down memory lane. If anyone ever forgets why Obama should fear Palin, just scroll through her Facebook notes page. IMHO, August 7, 2009 is historic.

  2. Hey Dodo

    It's real. Use the Googles.

    And what are these brown envelopes of which you speak? I am a lover of envelopes in the mail, but the white kind that come from my stock broker.

    O/T - You're a supporter of gay marriage, right? There's a discussion about it at my place and you're welcome to join in. There's only one conservative there and it would be interesting to hear from a conservative on the pro side.


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