Sunday, May 7, 2023

Some articles on recent topics you might like to read

 Please go to links provided below to read the items in their entirety.


Cable Guy Gone…..But Not For Long!

Written by David Stockman

We are not sure what the Murdochs were smoking last Monday morning when they shot the immensely profitable Fox News Channel in the kneecaps, but we do know that Tucker Carlson was one of a kind among commentators in the vast journalistic wasteland otherwise known as television news.

Indeed, on issue after issue in recent years Tucker treaded forthrightly where his MSM competitors in both print and broadcast media feared to go. Perhaps that was because he was deeply informed, historically read and literate and possessed of an incisive, open, inquisitive mind that was not about to play passive stenographer to either the Deep State or the lobbies and corporate interests that suffuse the Washington beltway.

Accordingly, Tucker has been nearly alone in smoking out the big issues of our time with a unique breadth, edge and consistency that neither Republican shills like Sean Hannity nor DNC conduits like Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow could hope to approach.

Thus, unlike the GOP’s neocon war-lovers...... 



Report 69: BOMBSHELL – Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID “Vaccine” Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death. They Began an Aggressive Campaign to Vaccinate Pregnant Women Anyway.

April 29, 2023 • by Amy Kelly, Program Director of the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project

The batch of Pfizer clinical trial documents released in April 2023 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under court order contains a shocking, eight-page document titled, “Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review.” The data in the Cumulative Review span “…from the time of drug product development to 28-FEB-2021.” A Pfizer employee, Robert T. Maroko, approved the Review on April 20, 2021. (p. 8)

This document is among the most horrifying yet to emerge into public view. It reveals that both Pfizer and the FDA knew by early 2021 that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine, BNT162b2, resulted in horrible damage to fetuses and babies.....................



If you're a regular Corbett Reporteer, then by now you're aware of the danger to human health caused by water fluoridation. But are you aware of the chlorine and other potentially toxic and carcinogenic substances in your tap water? And are you aware of your options for filtering your water and how to test to make sure you're getting all of the particulates out? Join James today as he talks to a water expert and answers some basic questions about testing and filtering your water.....................


Can the U.S. Adjust Sensibly to a Multipolar World?

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies

In his 1987 book The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, historian Paul Kennedy reassured Americans that the decline the United States was facing after a century of international dominance was “relative and not absolute, and is therefore perfectly natural; and that the only serious threat to the real interests of the United States can come from a failure to adjust sensibly to the newer world order.”

Since Kennedy wrote those words, we have seen the end of the Cold War, the peaceful emergence of China as a leading world power, and the rise of a formidable Global South. But the United States has indeed failed to “adjust sensibly to the newer world order,” using military force and coercion in flagrant violation of the UN Charter in a failed quest for longer lasting global hegemony.

Kennedy observed that military power follows economic power. Rising economic powers develop military power to..............



8 Killed, 7 Wounded In Mass Shooting At Texas Mall - Cop Kills Gunman

A gunman in tactical gear exited his sedan in the parking lot of an Allen, Texas shopping outlet Saturday and started shooting at everyone in sight, killing eight people and wounding seven more. The wounded range in age from 5 to 61. A police officer who was already in the vicinity on another call shot and killed the murderer before he could take more lives. 

The shooting began shortly after 3:30 pm local time in the northeastern suburb of Dallas. Dashcam apparently taken by a civilian captured the shooter parking in the middle of a lane, exiting his car outside an H&M store and opening fire: ..........................




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